
Monday, September 6, 2010

Lovely Professional University Celebrated National Nutrition Week

In order to make its students and other members of the staff adopt healthy eating habits, the School of Hospitality of Lovely Professional University celebrated the first week of September as National Nutrition Week. The objective of this grand celebration is to sensitize people on various factors leading towards malnutrition. They were also empowered in steps to regularly take care of their nutritional needs. In this regard, the students and the faculty had chalked out a well calculated and great message oriented schedule.

On the conclusive day of this planned organization, the Vice-Chancellor of the Univesity, Mr. Vijay Gupta said: “For the students, being in the developing stage, the importance of good nutrition is beyond any question. In India, there is a huge problem of Mal-nutrition. The young ones are suffering a lot due to ill-awareness in regard to it. Thinking on these lines our University has started certain programmes like Nutrition and Dietetics, Hospitality Management and Hotel Management etc. This particular week celebration, which related students and faculty, is indeed an effort towards bringing awareness about this giant problem of mal-nutrition. In fact, one should have good knowledge about nutrition by learning from such celebrations.”

In connection to this, as a first step out of a series of events, the school had devised Nutritional Awareness Programmes by students through Speech, Skit, Poem, Slide show etc. In the next stage competitions like Poster Making and Slogan Writing were held. The theme was ‘Healthy Eating for Healthy Living’. 26 students participated in these competitions. In poster making Cheenam Bhatia, Kanika Thareja stood first and second respectively. Whereas, in slogan writing Varindar Kaur and Bhawana were adjudged first and second. Geeta was given a Consolation Prize. These all students belong to MSc Nutrition and Dietetics.

It was followed by a valuable Guest Lecture on Nutrition Importance of Rice Bran Oil by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma of eminent reputation. After this, Nutritional Counselling and BMI Workshop was arranged for the benefit of all. The last step of this celebration was observed as a Recipe Contest (Low Fat Recipe). The participating students, Manpreet kaur, Suraj Tripathi, Mannu Salaria and Meet Joshi from Hotel Management said: “This celebration is very meaningful for all the students of School of Hospitality. This celebration has given us a right platform to propagate our career in a right direction.”

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