
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Division of R&D of LPU conducted Workshop for Research Procedures to motivate Faculty & Students

An elaborated Work shop for Research Procedures to motivate Faculty & Students was conducted by the Division of Research and Development of Lovely Professional University at Shri Baldev Raj Mittal Auditorium of the University. First of its kind, this workshop attracted more than 200 PhD aspiring faculty and students from different Departments of the University. Dean Research, LPU, elaborated in details HOW TO WRITE A DOCTORAL THESIS/ a Conceptual Research Paper. All participated actively in regard to learn and interact basically needed research procedures and out puts. Many students showcased and discussed their projects also with the experts.

The Chancellor, Mr Ashok Mittal informed: "Only a few days back, a mentor group led by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen has recommended 'the creation of faculty capable of cutting-edge research and high quality teaching to make the institution a centre of excellence'. We are lucky that our University has already been working on the desires of Hon'ble Amartya Sen." Continuing, he said: "We are regularly aiming at providing world class research services to the students in Punjab, the entire nation and the students across the globe. In this regard, we have already announced that a dedicated Research Block would soon come up in the campus. Through it will be provided the best and latest facilities for faculty and the students, so that they are motivated to explore new areas in the field of research and to put their ideas into real formations."

Guiding the participants to the workshop, Dr Sorab Sadri, Dean (Research), LPU explained them in details "HOW TO WRITE A DOCTORAL THESIS". He interacted with them on the necessary more than 40 topics like 'Four things to do/ not to do; what a thesis is; how it should be written; style, presentation; copyright waiver; acknowledgments; references; materials and methods etc'. It offered an opportunity to learn and discuss the techniques of research write-up and publication, thereof. It also helped participants to understand how to structure research papers effectively, enhance their ability to critique, edit and review their own work for proper academic publication process. As such the different modules of workshop included suggested structures of research papers based on all these indications. Further inspiring Dr Sadri emboldened the participants that writing a thesis seems initially a long, difficult task; however, after completion of a couple of chapters it seems as a pleasure towards the improvement in 'technical writing'.

It is worth illustration that 'Seed grant' is being given to the departments and the co-ordinators, who take initiative in hosting of conferences with national and internationally recognized associations. Here, Seed Grant is providing needed money to project ideas and programmes that are just getting started, or to jump-start to put ideas into action. It can also be used towards expanding projects that are already developed and sustainable. On these lines, as an encouragement to the research scholars, the University is providing financial assistance to its staff and students on an annual basis. This is to provide them an opportunity to learn and exchange ideas with experienced people from the Academia and the Industry. As such, Innovations from the research scholars, in concurrence with the vision of the University, will take LPU to glorious heights in the field of research. In this context, the upcoming of the Research and Development Block, in the premises of the University, is being eagerly anticipated by the aspiring Ph D students.

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