
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AITS Global the top IT Company hires from LPU

AITS Global the leading company in website designing, development and search engine optimization conducted a joint campus placement drive at Lovely Professional University . The placement was drive aimed at hiring IT students for its office in Bangalore.

The joint placement drive open for the Northern Region was attended by various colleges from Gurgaon, Delhi, Rohtak, Dehradun, Hisar, Ambala, Chandigarh, Roorkee, Jammu, Punjab and Himachal. The pass outs of 2008-09-10 batch from B Tech( all streams), BCA and MCA were eligible for the same. “We want to provide an equal opportunity to all the students across India and therefore conducted this drive in our campus,” said Mr Ashok Mittal, Chancellor, LPU.

The selected students have been offered a package of 3.6 Lakh per annum by the Organization. Four month SAP training would also be conducted by AITS. “I am feeling on the top of the world. LPU is doing a great job,” answered Rashmi, who had come all the way from Himachal on hearing about the placement opportunity.

LPU has been regularly conducting such Placement Drives for the students. In the earlier instances, companies like Eli Lilly, Wipro Technologies, Times Group.TATA, have visited the campus and selected students from various colleges and Universities. “In the changing scenario, the educationists must understand that their role is also altering. They are not just working behind the scene by educating the students or guiding them towards the right path, but also finding right opportunities for them,” added Mr Ashok Mittal.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Large Number of Foreign Students Heading Punjab

A large number of foreign students are preferring to get admission in the Punjab state. Lovely Professional University has a lion share of such admission of International students from 15 different countries including South Korea, Kenya, Sudan, Bhutan, Nepal, UK, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Yemen etc. As per the present registrations and enquiries, LPU expects to have at least 200 foreign students to be admitted in different programmes on its rolls in different departments. At LPU, the present rate of admission of such students is 150% more than the previous year.

Infact these students have fairly recognized Punjab state as a hub of technical education,. Judging well the potentialities of the institutions, they prefer to get admission in an institution/University which they feel have complete international standards to impart proper industry based and on world level acceptable education. Lovely Professional University is their first choice, in this regard. Having world class amenities, students from more than 15 Foreign Countries are already feeling at ease here.

Two of such students, Koo Jung Sung From South Korea and Yahya Faizal Saeed From Tanzania, who have already come to the university and are doing an Engish Language Programme in the university say: “While being at LPU we feel just being in our own country as the fellow students and other members of the University try to accommodate us in every possible way, in spite of certain barriers of language, culture etc. However, the culture of India especially Punjab is very rich. It allows us to get involved and mixed with others and be its own”

In this context, The Executive Dean of LPU, Mrs Rashmi Mittal Said “Lovely Professional University is determined right from the beginning to see Punjab grow like anything in the realms of modern education patterns and be a great part in contribution towards India’s uprising as “Vishv Guru” once again. The world has recognized its dynamism, now it is proving didactic supremacy also in terms of dissemination of knowledge to the persons of many other countries”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lovely Institute of Technology Feels Proud to Produce Jewel like Lieut. Amanat Jagjit Singh

Whenever a producer sees the better products out of his all inputs, his head is, obviously, held high in esteems. His joys know no bounds and out of unexplainable hilarity, he keeps fluttering to share and let others make to sing the saga of success, thus achieved. Lovely Institute of Technology has also much to tell about its many brilliant, meritorious, hard-working and devoted students who are always keen to maintain an aura of dignity and decorum around their ‘alma mater’ LIT. They keep holding aloft its already briskly furling flag to the sky-soaring heights to guide others to be a great part of this humane hold.
At present, one of such miraculously successful alumni of LIT to sing about is Amanat Jagjit Singh. Sainik Welfare Society is honouring him through the hands of Minister for Information & Public Relations, S Sewa Singh Sekhwan, Government of Punjab for his radiance revealed only a few days back at Indian Military Academy where he had proved his grand built-up through his out-shining performance to stand at number one for the training meted out to 103 technical graduates.  Prior to this, he has already been honoured with the highest award through the hands of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, General J J Singh, for being First in order of merit.
After the end of a year's robust military training based on so many courses, the evening before the passing out parade and the great Day of Ceremony itself can never fade from the deep seated memories of all Gentleman Cadets at the Indian Military Academy in Dehra Dun. And, for the persons like Amanat Jagjit Singh who has come out in flying colours  excelling 103 other competing Gentleman Technical Graduates, it will be ever fresh as the morning dew drops. The great pride of LIT from where he has completed his B Tech( Mech.), he always exhibited outstanding performance in each and every sphere. He always used to tell his class fellows about his great aspirations to serve the motherland as a great army officer.
Born in the family of an army officer (Father) & a KV Teacher (Mother), Amanat always proved as a promising offspring of his parents through his illustrative performances whether being in the field of sports/studies/social/stage performances. On asking about Amanat, his elated mother said: “He carries a personality which comprises of creativeness, sportsmanship and humility that helped him to bring laurels mainly to the institution where he could develop all the qualities in relation to his success.”
Crossing the threshold of training centre, now he is to form the strength of the Indian Army being commissioned as a Lieutenant in one of the great regiments of the great Indian Army. And, Seeing him closely, crowns, ribbons, and stars-studded, holding the coveted ‘Cane with a Brass Knob’ signifying power and authority & wearing a Uniform of great national importance, will really be the scene of much excitement and enchantment when one day he proves to command the Indian Army and awarding one other brilliant student of LIT reminding him all the shaping he got through his concerned ones while being at LIT. Amen!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Joint Faculty Development Programme of Punjab Technical University (PTU) & Lovely Professional University (LPU) Inaugurated at LPU’s campus

Joint Faculty Development Progrmme of Punjab Technical University (PTU) & Lovely Professional University (LPU) was inaugurated today at LPU by the Vice- Chancellors Dr. Rajneesh Arora & Dr.Vijay Gupta of PTU and LPU respectively. In the first training session from the series of 30 different session started today, by Dr. Rajat Moona from IIT, Kanpur in the area of Basic Programming, CSE/IT.

Eager to get training through the hands of renowned IIT Professionals, the 31 faculty from various institutes of PTU, including Chitkara Institute, Rajpura, APJIM (Jalandhar), RIEIT, (Railmajra,) KIMT for women & PCTE (Ludhiana), CMTR, (Kharar), UCET,( Barnala) , ITFT,( Chandigarh) and LPU attended the session. In addition to this few of the guest invited by the university included faculty members from Global Institute, Lucknow; Falcon Infosys, Moradabad; etc The training session began at 9 AM to last up to 5 PM. On this occasion, Mr. HS Bains (Registrar, PTU) & Dr. Nachhatar Singh( Adviser To VC, PTU) were also present.

PTU & LPU had jointly devised for the training of their faculty on analytical, critical, innovative and latest approaches for one month in the form of workshops (3-5 days per subject ) on more than 30 different subjects. It was being considered by both the universities that the faculty is not exposed to the modern pedagogy in basic courses and the super structure of advanced courses can not be built without it. It is worth noticing that this ‘New –Approach’ is in perfect line with the recommendation of the Technical Education Work-Group of the National Knowledge Commission and is being followed and agreed by both the Universities ,as well .

Feeling elated, the Vice- Chancellor of PTU , Dr. Rajneesh Arora said : “ We were thinking to do something special for our faculty to get abreast with latest technical know-how and allied updating things when we got the formulation of a joint faculty development programme. It attracted and enthralled us and the result is before you all. The launching of the programme is under great enthusiasm. Infact, this is the most important thing happening in Technical Education & PTU will continue upgrading the skills of its faculty.”

On this occasion, the Vice-Chancellor of LPU , Dr. Vijay Gupta said : “ It is very essential for the in service faculty to keep updating through regular training by the experts in the required fields of training. It is for the mutual benefit of both the teacher and the taught. new concept of Faculty Development Programme. Mostly, the FDPs are restricted to updating teacher’s knowledge in advanced area. But, the present scenario requires such well organized training sessions. The faculty should grasp its utility to the full.”

He further added that the “Gurus” in the field of education from various IITs of the country & who have established themselves as a name in their specific fields, have been specially engaged for this. As such, Dr. Rajat Moona from IIT Kanpur has started the first training session. He imparted the best and exclusive know-how to the learning teachers of the different universities up to their satisfaction and admiration. In the following to this various other renowned Professors from India’s top technology institutions, IIT ,Delhi ; IIT, Gandhi Nagar ; Jadavpur University etc, will train the faculty. To name a few of them are Prof. Qureshi, Prof. BN Banerjee , Prof. RN Biswas, Prof. Sanjeev Sanghi , Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi , Prof. Raghubir Sharan, Prof. Pradip Sircar, Prof. Ajay Jain , Prof. RK Ghosh and Prof. AK Mallik are some other illustrative names who would be participating in this unique attempt.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lovely professional University Brings Laurels to Punjab as it Features Among Top Institutions of India by Top Magazines

Lovely Professional University has proved it once again that Punjab can soon become the Education- Hub of India as it is declared as one of the Top 15 Engineering Institutions across India by the most famous and widely read magazine ‘Dalal Street’. In this ranking LPU is only following Seven IITs, BHU, and one other University to get this coveted position. An other recent survey established its ranking by South Asia’s most popular electronics magazine ‘Electronics For You’ as one of the top ten Institutions for International Exposure and at no. 3 for Infra-Structure.

Out of hundreds of engineering institutes across India, the survey team based their judgment on Parameters like Talent Nurturing Capacity, Technology Adoption, International Exposure & Infra-Structure. On assigning weights to these parameters, an overall ranking is brought for LPU at number 15 by ‘Dalal Street’. On the other hand, on the basis of campus area, built-up area, facilities available like banking, medical, transportation, no. of technically equipped auditoria etc, LPU is ranked at number three for infrastructure. And, for its partnerships with foreign universities, international accreditation, number of international faculty and student exchange programmes; it is ranked at number ten for its international exposure.

It is worth noticing that prior to this various other magazines and newspapers of national and even international reputation have already adjudged LPU as a great educational arena considering different allied aspects. The Business India has accorded it A++ for its MBA Programme. The Financial Express(Indian Express Group) holds it as First in infrastructure in India, Second best university in North India and as A++ university in overall evaluation in India. EFY recognizes it as first in leading technology adopter. Similarly, The Business Digest, The Business Barons, The Times of India, The Competition Success Review etc. have attributed so many coveted ranks to LPU.

Congratulating on this coveted success made by LPU, a forwarding on the behalf of the Editor, EFY, Mr. Ramesh Chopra informed that it was their first attempt to identify the best engineering colleges that produce technical talent for the industry and hoped that LPU would keep striving to retain the trust of the industry and emerge as leaders in their future surveys too.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Second Batch of 15 Students of LPU’s MBA Programme Leave to UNCC,USA for 4 Weeks Study Tour

In order to let its students of MBA have a great International Business Exposure, the School of Business of Lovely Professional University has arranged a four weeks’ educational tour to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in United States for the second batch its students. A group of 15 students and a faculty member has proceeded under a definite schedule of interesting opportunities for interaction with American culture both on the UNC campus and in the community, from June13 to 7th July. Already, a group of 62 MBA students have visited USA under such a Programme.

Under this programme students will (i) learn the importance of the global perspective to a business manager in relation to finance, management, marketing, and other major areas of business(ii) become more comfortable and confident when interacting with American and international business people(iii) see business skills in a global context and understand that the appreciation for travel and a compassionate world view are assets in this field(iv) observe campus and American culture through visits to UNC Charlotte classes and various community sites(v) strengthen business communication skills by encouraging cultural interaction and understanding, and(vi) access the educational resources of the University like library, computer labs and language labs as well as other facilities.

During their four weeks long trip to USA, the students will visit eminent corporate houses like office of IBM and Federal Reserve Bank of America amongst many others. This exposure is going to accord them with important know-how and expertise for prevailing business culture in technology and management oriented organizations. This is going to help the students to gain an insight into the functioning of business houses of the most robust and the largest economy of the world.

Two visiting students Sonam and Shabeena of MBA International Exposure Said: “We always wanted to learn about international business practices and work philosophy in practical shape. This opportunity will really help us to have more knowledge of business operations to make us more adaptable professionals.” On the same lines, Gangesh and Rajinder of MBA Hons were of the view that Charlotte Region being a hub of almost all business activities with hundreds of foreign owned firms, “we all will be able to interact with great business people to discuss solutions for current business issues in the global economy.”

Bidding farewell to the touring group, the Chancellor of LPU, Sh. Ashok Mittal anticipated that the students would make efforts to gain the maximum out of the visit. Stressing the need for an acquaintance regarding global business culture, he said: “ Globalization is the single largest factor to govern the business scene in India and abroad. Those who remain unaware and ignorant of customs and cultures outside their own can never be successful in the present scenario. Professionally skilled persons should not confine themselves to Indian job markets only. The world has opened up and is mainly and primarily one single global village in regards to business. Infact, all modern endeavours and enterprises operate and develop only in a global environment. So it is very essential for professional students to visit comparatively better places to have great insight into the real world of business and techniques and learn how performers of such areas are interacting internationally. For such International Exposure Programmes, our University also has plans for Engineering, Hotel Management and Fashion Technology students.”

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tata Consultancy Services Arranged ‘Campus Drive’ at Lovely Professional University

Tata Consultancy Services- a part of Tata Group the biggest IT company arranged a ‘Campus Drive’ at Lovely Professional University by inviting the B.Tech students / Graduates of BCA/BSc and Diploma Holders for placement as ‘Trainees’. After two days’ hard process 14 students got short-listed for personal interview and selection thereof. The salary package offered upto 2.25 Lacs per annum which, above all, has in addition a great chance to be a proud part of the big banner like TCS.

The selection procedure involving (i) On line Test (Analytical Skills) & (ii) Personal Interview was chalked out at Shri Baldev Raj Mittal Auditorium of the University. There were three rounds of personal interview after initial short-listing. The process continued for two days. One of the participating students, Kartik Sharma said: “ Attending a placement drive is in itself a great learning process, at least, for a beginner. I will certainly writ a great success story next time with the experience gained this time.”

On this drive, the Chancellor of LPU, Sh. Ashok Mittal Said : “Now-a-days, an earnest and eager approach to the placement drives by the yearning students, every time, indicates that the Indian economy is always on the growth path through the great endeavours of the companies like TCS. We hope that the students will suitably avail of such opportunities, in future too, and get golden chances to serve giant groups like TCS thus bringing laurels to their parents, alma-mater and, in turn, themselves.”

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses. It offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services. These are delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has numerous of the world's best trained IT consultants in 50 countries. The company is also listed on the National and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thousands of LPU Students Got Placed in Top Companies

The Division of Student Career Services of Lovely Professional University made it possible for many of the Top Companies to visit LPU for recruitments this year too. More than 150 Global Super-Brands & Industry leading Companies have made in-campus placement drives so far; whereas 10 companies invited students off-campus. After successfully crossing the different levels of recruitment procedures about five thousand students got placements with lucrative packages upto now. The Highest Package for MBA is Rs. 7.2 Lac. Whereas, the highest Post Training Package in B. Tech is Rs. 21 Lac. The Average Package in B. Tech is Rs. 3.50 Lac.

Some of the companies which paved their way for placements in the campus are Infosys ,Bharti Airtel, Deloitte, HCL Info-system, TATA, Reliance Life Insurance, Max HealthCare, RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), Wipro Technologies, ITC Limited, The Ashok Group, Bharti Retail, DLF Pramerica , Duke, Eastman Cast & Forge Limited, Eli Lilly, Fullerton Securities , , Hindustan Times, HyperCity , Artech Infosyste , Angel Broking, Balaji Tele-films, Beetel Teletech Limited, Indo Farm Tractors, India Infoline , Jindal Pipes, Jubilant Chem-sys, Karvy Broking, Kotak Bank, Ista Hotels, Neva, Venus, Oswal Group, Trade India, NIIT Limited, OATI, Omega Maritime Services, Overseas Healthcare, Provogue, Religare, Smart Chip, Spice, Su-Kam, Times Group (, Vardhman Polytex, Wills Lifestyle, etc. .

Many of the other Top Companies like Central Control Room, DSCL, Eicher Motors ,Helix Technologies , Honda 2 wheelers, Mphasis , Nokia , Siemens Network ,Ranbaxy, Share -khan invited the students of LPU off campus for placements.

Mr.Kunal Verma, Mr. Ramanjeet Singh and Ms. Astha representing different Companies for Placement commonly expressed : “During the placement drives the University assured support to the visiting companies at every stage of the placement process by making university infrastructure available.” Also, a lot of company representatives were really impressed by the quality of Human Resource available in Punjab. According to many others: “Punjab has become one of the very important destinations for the Campus Recruitment.”

On this achievement of the students , the Chancellor of LPU , Sh.Ashok Mittal said : “ These numbers clearly point out that economy is coming out of the recession and the future availability of opportunities is quite bright. In fact, the main endeavour of any University is to help its students get placed in reputed multinationals, government jobs, NGOs and the private sector. No doubt , all students are equally entitled to placement assistance, or even entrepreneurship projects. However, students themselves are also required to keep maintaining their performances and competencies for proper placements in accordance to their specializations and interests .”

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lovely Professional University Plans Pharmaceutical Research Commercialization with Synkrom Health-Care Ltd.

Pulsing the emerging role of academia in commercializing innovation, Lovely Professional University has signed an MOU with Synkrom Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. for its School of Pharmacy in regard to Pharmaceutical Research Commercialization. The School will provide the company the commercially viable Research oriented products to be manufactured as market drugs. In this regard, at first instance, the Company will Get International Patent for ‘Joshanda Lozenges’ researched and developed out of traditional poly-herbal mixture Joshanda by the Pharmaceutical Department of LPU.

Under this MOU, from now onwards LPU and Synkrom are going to constantly strive to create a harmonious environment for manufacture of products that are innovative, better than existing ones and affordable in all respects. This is likely to reduce the internal cost of producing new medicines.

At this, Dr. Monica Gulati, Dean, School of Applied Medical Sciences of LPU expressed: “It will be very satisfying for a researcher to see a product coming out of a thesis. However, a lack of industrial collaboration always resulted in keeping the best of theses untapped and unused lying waste on the shelves only.” Dr. Gulati further added: “Joshanda, a poly-herbal mixture, did not enjoy worldwide popularity as it involves cumbersome boiling process. We worked and converted the mixture into cough drops as ‘Joshanda lozenges’ having a long lasting soothing effect with remarkable inhibitory activity on the bacteria. These ‘lozenges’ act as effective drug against other prescribed cough suppressants and also with no side effects.”

On the similar grounds, committed to convert innovative technologies into marketable products; The Managing Director, Satyakam Rahul of ‘Synkrom’ is of the opinion: “ I feel that there is no dearth of refined talent within the country itself. However, systems to nurture innovative developments are lacking. The most of the pharmaceutical companies are focussed on ‘generic drugs’ rather than promoting innovations. So, recognizing an immediate need for a ‘Development Support’ to an ‘Academic Research’, we have founded a ‘Development Company’ exclusively for nurturing of innovations.” Further confirming the company would manufacture ‘lozenges’, he said: “Our department has done its job at the research level. We have signed an agreement and will evaluate the data, after which it will be filed for an international patent. Later, we will also take approval from the Food and Drug Authority.” Parikshit Bansal, in charge of the Intellectual Property Rights Cell at the National Institute of Education and Research, Mohali, said, “Research should not just be restricted to labs. If ‘Lozenges’are found commercially viable, such a research should be turned into a market drug.”

On this occasion, the Chancellor of the University, Sh. Ashok Mittal said: “Research commercialization is the key to progress and development of the nation, so it must be encouraged. It was one of my dreams that Research-Work from our University should lead to innovative Healthcare products economically benefitting all those sufferers who remain in dire need of these. This MOU has started to materialize this dream into a great humane reality. In-fact, Research organizations are becoming increasingly adept at developing own venture arms to finance commercial development of discoveries. LPU has also chosen to be on the path of being an economic engine in this regard. As appetites of educational institutions for commercializing research grow, these should apply their technologies and programmes to more goal-oriented research to become perfect Goal-oriented academia.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Central Bank of India & Lovely Professional University Sign MOU for Easy Education Loans

In order to facilitate the aspiring, deserving and brilliant students through required educational loans, Lovely Professional University has signed an MOU with the Central Bank of India. There will be a single-window clearance facility for the loan-needy with loan at nominal and lowest possible interest rates. The Girl-Students will be availing loans at lower rate of interest in comparison to others.

The General Manager of the Central Bank of India, R. Mishra & AGM SC Bhayana were present to sign this MOU. After going for the collaboration, Mr. Mishra expressed: “Education is a fundamental right of each and every denizen of India. However, many of the good students remain devoid of higher studies due to their economic conditions or other types of imposed upon financial constraints. Our bank has taken a great step in this regard by trying to make the loan-procedure very easy. A student will be able to get loan from any of the 3400 branches of our bank through out India.”

On this occasion, the Chancellor of the University Sh. Ashok Mittal said: “Such collaboration would result in supporting brilliant students, lacking financial support and opportunity, to complete their studies. It is often seen that in-spite of students’ strong willingness their parents could not let them join the desired programme of study due to want of money. This MOU is certainly going to prove as a great boon to all such parents and students as procedure in acquisition of the normal loan to continue a programme has been made very easy. Also, CBoI will open a counter in the campus to facilitate the students in the campus itself for speedy disbursal of education loan. ”