
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lovely Professional University Organists Free Medical Camps In Villages

Fulfilling Corporate Social responsibility , Lovely Professional University is regularly organizing Free Medical Camps in Nearby villages . Hundreds of patients have been benefitted so far through General check-ups , Eyes-Testing , Physiotherapy Treatment , Blood/Urine Tests and allied Health awareness Programmes etc. They have also been provided with free medicines.

In the first phase villages like Salarpur,Hardasspur,Daulatpur are covered massively. A devoted team of Specialists,Para-Medical Staff , Physiotherapists and allied staff of the University examined the villagers providing them free medicines on the spot along with Health-Consciousness Advices. The chronic patients/ patients needing further treatment are also advised to visit the Campus Clinic of the University which would again be free of cost treatment.

The important feature of these camps , held twice in a month , is follow -up scheme. In a month, the first MAIN CAMP is followed by the second FOLLOW UP CAMP in the same village. These are further followed up in the University so that the patients may fully utilize medical services being ,thus, sincerely provided .

Fifty years old Balbir Kaur – a patient of continuous back -ache and low visibility, was seen very cheerful while saying that these camps are really very meaningful and beneficial for the poor persons like her who remain devoid of necessary and routine medical helps and check- ups.

The Executive Dean of the University, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal , said : “ Our University is regularly utilizing its human resources towards works related to social responsibilities. That is why a number of activities are undertaken by the students and staff members to bring forth an established social awakening especially among the innocent, unawakened, underprivileged village-folk. The present medical camps are a part of this awakening towards health consciousness. I want that a maximum number of villagers may be benefitted through these.”

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unity in Diversity at Lovely Professional University

Lovely Professional University, which imparts professional eduation to students from 23 states of India and 8 countries from across the globe, took the initiative to give all its students a flavor of different cultures in the campus program through its "Unity in Diversity" program. The 1st phase of the event put to diplay an assortment of dances, food items, costumes, menu, music and jewelry of various states of India and abroad.

The Programme was intended to raise awareness amongst its students from various states and countries, about the different aspects of Indian culture. The event inaugurated by the Chancellor, LPU, Mr. Ashok Mittal and took off with the cultural dances of various states like Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Orissa, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry and Rajasthan.

“Unity in Diversity is India’s ethos and LPU wants to propagate this ideology among its students also. With students from various states and cultures all over India, it is very important that they should realise the common string that binds them together. Through this event we wanted to showcase this ethnic diversity to the students so that they can understand each other better, “said Mr. Ashok Mittal, Chancellor Lovely Professional University.

Students had set up kiosks in the campus to put on view the food devoured, the jewellery worn, the music and dance enjoyed in their respective states. The students and the staff member at LPU could visit the stalls and enjoy the culture of the state they had dreamt of visiting but could not. Grisel, who has come to India from Mexico, “I have come from Mexico and was not aware of the cultures in India. Visiting the kiosks gave a feeling of visiting the country itself. This event has definitely given me an insight to how different customs and traditions are followed in different regions of the country.”

“I visited all the stalls and am very happy to see the enthusiasm and the effort put in by the students,” said Executive Dean, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal who was also present for the event. The second phase of the event will be celebrated soon which will feature more glimpses of the diversity that makes the Indian culture stand apart.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lovely Professional University Upholds Women's Empowerment through FEMINA -10

Lovely Professional University to celebrate Women's Strength & Creativity in regards to world- wide ongoing centenary Celebrations for International Women Year organised FEMINA'10, a three -day event with series of In-Campus as well Out-Campus, events. The theme of the event was showcasing women strength to not only to the literal society of students but to the general public as well.

To do the same LPU students organized Nukkad Nataks at prime locations of the Jalandhar City including Model Town, Guru Nanak Mission Chowk, and PAP Chowk. The “Nataks” presented the story in three phases each focusing on Women being powerless, powerful and coordinating respectively.

Other major events for the celebration were 'Presentations', 'Group Discussions','Debates' , 'Poster -Making ', 'Slogan- Writing ' and an extra glistening and mega show of cultural activities within the campus.

A cooking competition for members of the staff, female as well as male, was quite a popular event in the Femina 10’. To great surprise of the onlookers, male members dominated in preparing a number of delicious dishes. A male participant , Raj Kumar Said : “ It was really a strange and novel experience for me to compete with the female colleagues in the things which are mainly attributed to them . However, I enjoyed it considering all works are alike to all in this modern era of equality and women empowerment .”

The last day of the celebrations ended with number of cultural activities comprising of a diversified Indian cultural heritage. All the songs, dances , presentations , histrionics , skits and related competitive items were mainly and primarily based on the uprising of women – status in the modern society.

Expressing her great delight on the occasion, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal , Executive Dean of the University said , : “ It is a matter of great pleasure and pride that women have ,at last ,emerged successfully through the mire of rotten and old conservative up-holdings and social taboos. The great examples of Kalpana Chawla , Sunita Williams , Inidra Nooyi and many others have much to give a befitting reply to all those who under estimate the great power , creativity and strength of the women.”

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Legal luminaries from India, Bangladesh and Nepal visit LPU : Interacted with international students

The campus of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara,was specially visited by distinguished International Judiciary Personalities from the world of Law & Legislature and of immense repute to personally have an impression of the success story of the University. Among those who visited were Dr. Adish C Aggarwala (Sr. Additional Advocate General of Haryana, Supreme Court), Justice Gauri Dhakal (Judge , Supreme Court - Nepal) and Justice Shamshudin Chaudhury (Judge Supreme Court, Bangladesh). Dr. Adish C Aggarwala also has other coveted titles to his name viz. Additional Advocate General of Punjab, Supreme Court; Senior Central Govt. Counsel, Supreme Court; President- International Council of Jurists; Chairman- All India Bar Association and Ex Vice Chairman- Bar Council of India.

The team visited laboratories, Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Botanical Gardens and Law Department to have a first hand experience about the new initiatives undertaken by the University. Dr. Aggarwala applauded the efforts of the University management in putting up wonderful facilities for the students and said, “It is a positive sign that the Indian Universities are aligning their practices and structure with the best in the business, and this is a healthy sign for higher education in India. We need to push the accelerator continuously, till the day India regains the position of International Knowledge Hub.”

Justice Chaudhury (Judge Supreme Court, Bangladesh) stressed the need for closer cooperation between universities of India and Bangladesh for the betterment of students of both countries and expressed hope that more students from Bangladesh will benefit from the emerging developments of Indian higher education. While interacting with Justice Dhakal (Judge , Supreme Court - Nepal) Narayan P. Patel – a Nepali student of M Sc Micro-Biology said: “Staying in India, I never felt out of place. For the nice hospitality I have received from native students, coupled with high quality education; I think India is a wonderful destination to go for higher studies.”

The three dignitaries also had an interaction with the international student community of the University and had a free wheeling discussion with them. They inquired about the experiences of the international students, with discussion revolving around the concepts such as cultural assimilation, curriculum adoption and extension of specialized facilities. Their discussion with LPU management was concentrated on feedback to augment the effectiveness in imparting education to students from foreign countries and possibility of giving more opportunities to students from Nepal and Bangladesh to study at LPU. Furthermore, they interacted with the Law students studying in the University campus and addressed them to uphold the moral ethics associated with the professions of a lawyer and an adjudicator.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

LPU upholds the spirit of Fine Arts through Art Exhibition-XPression

Department of Fine Arts, Lovely Professional University (LPU) concluded its ten day long 'X-Pression -The Art Exhibition showcasing the novel and creative art works of 35 budding student artistes to mark the spirit of various art forms. The program was aimed to encourage and motivate the creative power of the student artistes and to give fillip to contemporary art forms . The event witnessed the work of student participants, manifested through more than 220 excellent pieces of art works in the form of Paintings, Pencil Sketches, Clay Modelling, Collage Making, Posters, Cartoon making, Calligraphy etc. The wonderful work put on display attracted art lovers in huge numbers from within and outside the campus.

The exhibition saw an illustrious participation by a high count of female artists as well, from different departments of the University. The works well exhibited the different moods and sentiments of the creators in an extremely appealing manner, buoyed by imagination, par excellence. Among the various themes depicted in the work put on display were Womanhood, Equality, Spirituality, Economic Development and World Harmony. A student from Lovely School of Management, Ankita Sarangal said : It was wonderful opportunity to see how an artist gives vent to his feeling my resorting to art forms. These works should not be seen as a work of aesthetics but expression of feelings, as well.

At the concluding ceremony, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean-LPU said, The exhibition has brought to fore the hidden artistic abilities of the students, which points to the vast pool of talent that lies with the University. More such programs will be envisaged to facilitate the student artists in establishing themselves in a bigger platform of recognition and repute.

Outstanding Student Artists of the Event :
1.Mr. Gurinder Singh for his Pencil Sketches
2.Ms. Rechal for her Clay Models and paintings
3.Mr. Om for his paintings
4.Mr. Zia for his Calligraphy

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MBA students of LPU return home from Singapore industrial visit : Leading Business houses visited in Singapore

A team of 13 students of MBA (International) of Lovely Professional University returned from Singapore after a week long Industrial/Academic visit. MBA (International) program has been designed specially to create global human resources capable of handling job positions demanding internationally acclaimed skills. The visit was a part of the international exposure requirement of the academic curriculum of the program. International Exposure to countries emerging as economic powerhouses, adds tremendously to the understanding of business fundamentals of the students. In Singapore, the students had visited a host of government owned business units as well as various corporate establishments of private ownership.

The week long trip to Singapore, has been designed in collaboration with prestigious Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS). During the visit the students also had an opportunity to interact with the senior faculty members of the Institute. Among the major concepts learns by the students at MDIS were Management Perspectives in Singapore, Innovation in International Business, Management Capacity Building and Cross Cultural Communication. As part of the program, they visited eminent corporate houses like office of Asia Pacific Brewery , and Yakult. They also visited PUB New Water Plant to study efficient utilisation of water for domestic and industrial purposes.

Sonam Gaba , one of the students of MBA International program said, It was a great learning experience to visit the offices of reputed business firms of Singapore. It has helped me to know more about the business culture of the country. I gained insight into other business models being pursued by companies outside the frontiers of India. With the knowledge of the both, I have become richer as far as acquisition of knowledge is concerned. Her views were also shared by other students who are of the view that practical exposure enables them learn more than in the classrooms.

Dr. Vijay Gupta, Vice Chancellor-LPU said, Indians are getting poised to undertake challenging professional assignments across the globe. In keeping with this, it is becoming compulsory for future managers to get themselves equipped with the knowledge and expertise of business cultures, practices and philosophies of foreign countries. The international exposure programs is a step in the direction to augment the knowledge of students as to how businesses are carried out in other parts of the globe. This enhances their vision to see things in a wider perspective. Dr Gupta also told that LPU is making a blue print of a plan whereby international exposure programs may be introduced in other fields of professional education

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lovely Institute of Technology (Polytechnic) wins Overall Winners' Trophy at Polytechnic Zonal Youth Festival

The students of Lovely Institute of Technology (Polytechnic) won two golds, one silver and one one bronze at the recently concluded Polytechnic Zonal Youth Festival (Men) at Patiala, to win the Overall Winners' Trophy. The fest was organised by Punjab Technical Institutes Sports, Chandigarh and showcased the best of cultural skills of polytechnic colleges spread in the Patiala Zone. LIT (Poly) had sent a team of 21 students which contested in all the four events of the fest Folk Song, Folk Dance, Skit and Fancy Dress.

Parminder Singh, a student of Diploma (Mechanical) won the gold in folk song, with his excellent rendition of Punjabi song dedicated to the legendary lovers of Land of Five Rivers. The tall and sturdy boys of LI also caught the fancy of the audience, as they danced to the tunes and rhythms of Punjabi dance numbers. The team eventually went on to win the gold in Bhangra competition. The skit performance of students where , the audience was amused with a rare combination of wit and meaningfulness, was adjudged for the runners up prize. The skit's theme revolved around the problem of unemployment, and took pot shots at various factors responsible for it. Pardeep Singh, a student of Diploma (Electrical) walked away with the bronze, in the fancy dress competition as he impressed with a wonderful display of Punjabi culture through his dress.

Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean-LPU congratulated the winner students and hoped that the success will be replicated at other competitions as well. Mrs. Mittal said, The success of LIT (Poly) at the Zonal Fest is substantial, and it has raised our ambitions for the national fest. I am quite hopeful that the students from LIT (Poly) will go beyond than just doing a repeat of their performances of ensuing meets. We are eying higher honours in forthcoming competitions of higher level. The winners of the fest will compete in the Polytechnic Inter Zonal Youth Fest (Men) to be held at Hoshiarpur in a few days.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brilliant display of management skill at 'Le Melange' LPU's Annual Management Fest

Lovely Professional University organized its annual Management Fest 'Le Melange' , which saw participation of management students from fourteen well-reputed B-Schools of the country, apart from the host University. The two day fest featured the best of management students on the count of leadership qualities, organizational skill, planning capabilities,innovative approach and creative aptitude. An estimated 200 students contested 18 various events which brought to fore various aspects of management studies in a creative way.

Various aspects of management like strategy formulation, brand building, marketing skills, financial planning etc were upheld by students through the competition events. In the B-Plan Contest, innovative business ideas were put forward by students and management concepts were illustrated in Role Play contest. Contests for Logo Designing, Ad- Designing and Tag Line Making saw students exhibiting their creative skills in brand management, whereas events on Creative Marketing, Simulation and Strategy Formulation highlighted the core attributes of management sciences. There were contests in shape of Case Analysis, Debate and Information Analysis; wherein the contesting groups deliberated their views on a given business problem. The essay competition showed the grasp of competing students on burning issues of management world. In face painting competition, students highlighted issues of global relevance through painted looks. Many other events were organized, emphasizing the various facets of management practices.

Apart from the contests, there were a number of stalls featuring customer services, fun games, eatables etc. The cultural program in the evening was a major attraction for both the days, as artists enthralled the audience with a splendid display of Indian and Western art forms. Ali Hader, a participant from a Meerut based college told that he got a great exposure through the fest and interactions with the students and teachers of other institutions added immensely to the radiance of his personality. He stated that such practical oriented programs should be organized with a higher frequency with mutual arrangements and common understanding among various B-Schools of the country and , later on with International Universities also.

At the award presentation ceremony, Shri Ashok Mittal, Chancellor-LPU stressed the need of smart and able managers to take the country to higher levels of growth and prosperity. He said, The world over, the business managers are determining the course of development helping in eradicating poverty, unemployment and corruption. They have a major role to play, as time progresses. The managers of today, are bound to be the leaders of tomorrow. In the backdrop of this reality, the management students of today need to gear up for their extended roles of tomorrow. Among others present at the fest were Dr. Vijay Gupta (VC -LPU), Mrs. Rashmi Mittal (Executive Dean-LPU), Er. HR Singla (Director General-LPU) and Dr. Sanjay Modi (Senior Dean, LSB).The epilogue of the Fest witnessed a great evening of rhyme and rhythm through applauding performances of cultural activities by the students of LPU to make it a real Le Mélange.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

LPU organises two day Blood Donation Camp : 400 units collected on the first day

Lovely Professional University (LPU) and Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) joined hands together and inaugurated a Two Day Blood Donation Camp at Lovely Campus on Thursday. The camp was part of an initiative by LPU to press ahead with discharging responsibilities towards the general public, in capacity of being a socially responsible organisation. The students and faculty members from various schools and University donated 400 units of blood in the program. A team of 15 professionals of Indian Red Cross Society, from New Delhi and Jalandhar branches conducted the program at University Campus. Among those who took part in the program included Dr. Vanashree Singh (Director-Blood Bank, IRCS) and Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Blood Transfusion Officer, Civil Hospital-Jalandhar.

The program was inaugurated by Mrs. Rashmi Mittal- Executive Dean-LPU amidst the presence of visiting doctors and donor students. The inaugural address was made by Dr Singh. While underlining the importance of blood donation, she said, Annually, lakhs of people die in India because of want to blood at the right time. There is limited awareness and lot of myths with respect to blood donation among people. People should get aware and understand that a little donation from their side translates into saving of a precious life.

Rabia Gupta, one of student donors said, I realised that one is never so helpless to be absolutely useless to mankind. If one wishes, he can help others by one mean or the other. Blood is something which is a more meaningful donation, rather than the charity given in monetary form.' The students were also checked for Hemoglobin count & Blood Sugar levels.

Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean-LPU applauded the stretching steps of the students and said, Education is and should not be limited to imparting learning. The real motive is to make a person capable of delivering good to others. Through events like blood donation drive; the University strives to attain the mentioned objective. To see a heavy number of students participating in the event is encouraging and points to the success of the drive.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LPU organise 6 day workshop on Calligraphy : Evokes strong enthusiasm amongst students

Department of Arts, Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara in association with SPIC MACAY organised a 6 days workshop on Calligraphy. Calligraphy, which is simpler words means art of fine hand writing, is fast generating lot of interest amongst younger generation. In keeping with the demand of a sizable number of students to organize a program on calligraphy, LPU invited Shri Anis Siddique a renowned calligrapher to the campus to impart training to the lovers of the art form. The workshop touched all the aspects of the art from imparting theoretical knowledge of its history to writing texts at enhanced level of standards.

Shri Siddique in his address to the learners said, that calligraphy is one of the most ancient art forms, and particularly in India, it was held in high esteem since times immemorial. Ashoka's edicts which date back to around 250 BC, explicitly throw light on the high level of the art scaled by Indians in ancient form. He told that calligraphy is acquiring occupational dimensions also, with demand of calligraphers going up for designing wedding and event invitations, font design/typography, original hand-lettered logo design, religious art, announcements, graphic design, cut stone inscriptions and memorial documents. It is also being used for props and moving images for film and television, testimonials, birth and death certificates, maps and other works involving writing.

The students were offered tutorials in calligraphy with specific devices such as flat- or round-nibbed pens, brush, multi-nibbed pens, felt-tip pens etc. to employ angled lines. Ink for writing purposed was water-based . High quality, porous material like parchment and vellum were used as papers. Daksh Chauhan, a first year student of BA (Performing Arts) said, I am spell bound with the magic that can be created on paper with certain strokes of hand. I have always been appreciated for my good hand; and this is one reason I have become more enthusiastic towards calligraphy. I am going to nurture this as my hobby from now onwards.

Nearly 200 students took training in calligraphy over a duration of 6 days, with many expressing the desire to take an enhanced level coaching for furthering refinement of the skills acquired during the program. Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean -LPU said, If there is any art that a student can relate the most with education is calligraphy. Writing, when referring to generating literary works has always been considered as soul-refreshing, but it is a discovery for me that writing is an equally intense joy; when it comes to putting words on paper, literally,

Monday, March 1, 2010

LPU's Management Fest Le Mélange to start on 5th March

Le Mélange, 2010 the Management Fest of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara will be celebrated on 5th & 6th March, 2010; which will feature the best of management skills of students from various B-Schools of the country. The fest will be a showcase of the management aptitude of students of LPU, and will bring together budding leaders and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents.

The fest will bring together management students from across B-schools in India and promises to provide the students a variety of exposure pertaining to various facets of Management Studies. The two days event has the objective of putting to action young minds to explore management skills through a multitude of fun based and competitive contests.

A host of events will be celebrated as a part of the festival, which includes Vishleshan(Case Analysis Competition)The Mighty Pen (Essay writing Competition), Biz Wiz (Business Quiz), Srijan (Creative Marketing), Darpan: (Business Simulation Games), Spark (B-plan Contest), Smart Brain (Management Games)Manthan (Information Analysis), Kriti (Logo Designing), Expression (Role play), Brand Mantra (Tag-line Competition), Waad Wiwaad (Debate Competition), Cresendo (Ad-Designing Competition),
Talash(Treasure Hunt), Rann Neeti (Strategy making) etc.

The events are open to all commerce and management students only, and registration and participation has been kept absolutely free of cost. The interested contestants, from any of the institute, may register their names for the participation by1st March, 2010; after carrying an authentication letter from the Head of their Institute. The competing teams will send a contingent of not more than 15 students. Boarding and lodging will be provided to the participating teams by the University.

LPU and University of Sunderland, UK sign MoU for twinning program in Business Studies

Lovely Professional University Phagwara signed a Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) with University of Sunderland, UK for mutual co-operation in various fields of education, including Business Studies. The move is in keeping with the concerted efforts of LPU management to bring to its students maximum exposure with regard to trans-national curriculum and pedagogy. The MoU is aimed at enhanced co-operation between the two parties in the stream Business Studies wherein a student will have the option to pursue a part of the studies at LPU and the remaining one from University of Sunderland. Such an arrangement will allow the student to refine his academic skills, in keeping with the different set of methodologies employed at the two universities. The MoU was signed by Mr. Leslie Brown, Head International Business Development and Operations- University of Sunderland and Dr. Vijay Gupta Vice Chancellor, LPU Phagwara.

Mr. Brown said, UK has been a traditionally favourite destination for many Indian students. The tie up will provide a good platform to the students who cherish to start their careers abroad at a much lesser cost. A degree by the foreign University will help the student secure greater acceptability with exotic employers. This will also help them to save themselves from playing into the hands of unscrupulous agents. Appreciating the efforts of LPU in bringing quality technical education to the Punjabi heartland, he said that given the sound infrastructure and the educational culture prevalent at LPU, more British Universities will like to establish ties with LPU in times to come.

Dr. Gupta said that the tie up, primarily focuses on Students Exchange and Twinning Programs , but in future it will be extended to cover aspects like Joint Research Programs, enhancement of curriculum and Faculty Exchange Programs, as well. He stated that the management of LPU is continuously establishing new tie ups with international Universities in various countries, thus bringing a wider bracket of choice to its students with regard to options of higher studies abroad.