
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lovely Professional University organized a Workshop on Robotics and Hydro-Jet

The ROBOTICS & INTELLIGENT SYSTEM COMMUNITY of Lovely Professional University (RISC-LPU) organized a workshop on basic Robotics and Hydro-Jet, water rocket, for two weeks. More than 400 students attended the workshop. Under this during, hydro-rocket launching competition, 78 teams participated in two days. Each team was consisted of 5 members. More than 500 rockets were launched, which established itself as one of the mega events at LPU. The maximum distance travelled at unlimited pressure by the team, ROCK 8, was 106 metres. The first five winning teams of the competition were ECLLIPSE, the SKY-RIDERS, ROCK-8, IGNITED and DREAM BLAST. Based on Newton's third law, "for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action", the students adopted water jet system in the same way that rockets, jet airplanes do. A jet of water is expelled from the rear which propels the 'hydro-jet' forward in the direction given.

While witnessing the grand competition, the Pro- Chancellor of the University Ms Rashmi Mittal encouraged all the enthusiastic participants and congratulated the winners. She informed that the University is leaving no stone unturned to make the students experience the established postulations through practical and allied practices: "While the theory may exist or have existed, we cannot experience it until the technology and sufficient understanding of the system comes out practically before us."

It is illustrative that under able guidance of faculties, RISC-LPU is a technical community which regularly works to enhance the technical skills of the students by guiding them towards the practical knowledge of engineering. In fact, Robotics is a field which incorporates all the branches of Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and Biotechnology. Novel-Ideas of individuals are welcomed and tried, too, to implement practically. At present, it is a nursery to nurture technical dreams of young aspirants.

Some of the participant’s students to this endeavour Bikash Kant, Ananya, Sangran Samal, Asheena, Devendu, Tauishi, said: “We are very eager to earn reputation in establishing ourselves as pioneer of some great achievement of immediate need related to humanity. RISC-LPU is indeed a great platform for aspirants like us helping us to scale the ladder of success."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lovely Professional University celebrated World Tourism Day

Keeping in the view the much appreciation won world over for country's Cultural Diversity in all unison, Incredible India and the theme of the year-'Tourism - Linking Cultures'; the students of the School of Hospitality of Lovely Professional University celebrated World Tourism Day, today. It was great to view that hundreds of students from 26 countries and 28 States of the country contributed the specialty of their culture to share with all other assembled at Shri Baldev Raj Mittal Auditorium of the University for a Colourful Celebration. During this, Presentations, Folk Dances, Rangoli, Melodies, Poetry- Recitation, Painting, Tourism related Quiz Programme, Fashion Show were the attractions. Students from Nigeria, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Assam, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Bangladesh, Punjab and from other states and countries exhibited culture of their areas through dance performances.

Consenting to commence the gala Day by lighting of the lamp, the Pro Chancellor of the University, Ms Rashmi Mittal congratulated the participants and said: "It is nice to see that, with the contribution of all students of the department, the World Tourism Day celebrations have been well planned to implement ethics, values and cultural the best among students, to propagate fast developing tourism industry in India." Expecting much from the youth of the University, she continued: "On this eve, the youth should take a pledge to always be ready to learn, live, experience, exhibit and appreciate men and mannerisms of other cultures, too, to make a peaceful existence for all."

Some of the students, Nasir, Richa, Christophe, Rakshit Dimri, Dixa Bhattarai, Priyanka, Amardeep said: "We have learnt a lot from this celebration. In addition to have a great fun and merry making, we have really imbibed the cultural legacy of other countries and states of India. We are lucky that our University is itself a mini cosmos and we being its students always feel floating on a sea of diversified cultures."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

NSS Students of lovely Professional University celebrated NSS Day caring Special Children of 'Prayas' School

NSS Volunteer- Students of lovely Professional University celebrated NSS Day by caring for 'Prayas' School Special children at Maqsudan (Jalandhar). For this, 60 Volunteers, under the guidance of the co-ordinators of the community services Cell of the University, massaged the weak limbs of 42 needy and special children of 'Prayas' School, Maqsudan, Jalandhar. Volunteers also entertained and motivated the children through interesting power point presentations, lectures and colourful cultural get together. They served children and staff working there with Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice, Sweets, Bakery Products and Snacks. It all was also added with a special cleanliness drive by the NSS students in and around the school. It is worth noticing that the school is being run by Red Cross Hospital Welfare Section, Jalandhar.

Expressing happiness on the efforts and activities of the volunteers towards community responsibility, the Pro-Chancellor of LPU, Ms Rashmi Mittal said: "Observance of such meaningful days, following the true spirit of these, is desired and expected of the youth of today. We are very happy that our students identified the right place to celebrate NSS Day on the lines of living and sharing responsibilities." She continued: "In fact, in addition to volunteers, all other students should also be pro NSS activities, as NSS is meant for development of personality of students through Community Service. It also underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole."

It is worth noticing that NSS( National Service Scheme) is a permanent Youth Programme under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, with objectives for youth to understand the community, identify its needs and problem solutions and to, develop in themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility. The Director of the school Ms Suvira Aggarwal and Principal Sandeep Setia thanked the volunteers for their missionary zeal in providing massage (Champi) with special soothing oil over children's heads and healing massage on their limbs of general weakness and ailment. Children were suggested to go for strength boosting exercises to get relieved of muscular weakness. NSS Volunteers also sensitized the members of the school staff on health, hygiene and safe drinking water so that ignorant students may not suffer unnecessarily. They also cleaned out the surroundings of the school, its hostel, Mess and made a drive for beautification.

Some of the participating students to this drive, Juneed Nabi, Sumit Rao, Harkirat Singh, Kiran Thakur, Heena Goel, Priya, Vimmica Anand said : " We celebrated the great day by really being humane to the core. Seeing the special children, we realized the creative power nature and our moral duty for the same. On this occasion, continuous chanting of NSS theme song-' WE SHALL OVERCOME', in our heart of hearts, kept on encouraging us."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

School of Bio-Sciences of Lovely Professional University organised career talk by Training and Research Expert from Pro-biosys

The Department of Biotechnology of the School of Bio-Sciences of Lovely Professional University organized a career talk by Training and Research Expert from Bangalore based 'Pro-biosys'. This valuable session was organized for final year bio-Technology and Life Sciences students of B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Tech. M.Tech programmes. More than 400 students got benefitted through this organization by getting crystal clear idea about the qualities expected from the future biotechnology professionals. The key speaker was Bhanu Prakash, CEO, 'Pro-biosys'- which is known as a premier career advancement company for the pharmaceutical and life sciences professionals, promoting and facilitating perpetual learning. Also pegged as the country's first finishing Life Sciences school, it has proposed to set up a joint Incubation Center at LPU for related students who will be ready employable talent for the Biotech and Pharma industry.

Bhanu Prakash said "With the increasing demand for qualified life sciences professionals in India, the availability of quality talent is decreasing. To minimize and eventually eliminate this gap, at Probiosys our endeavor is to impart training in emerging bio- technology, high end automation and international quality procedures for meeting real time industrial and research environment requirements." In fact, study of bio-technology is very important as it is based on biology. So, this technology harnesses cellular and bio-molecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and, in turn, the health of our planet.

For this conduction, the Director General of LPU, Er HR Singla said: "We are regularly developing our students to be very much focused about their career goal by choosing the specialization area, related to their programme, for building expertise." He also emphasized that students must shape themselves keeping in mind the existing gap between the academics and the demand of skills in bio-technology related industry.

It is illustrative that 'Probiosys' is a unique center designed for international standards and compliant with the best practices across industries. It also has a technology incubation center with a focus on industrial and workforce interface. A few of the participating students consider that such type of beneficial career talks and workshops are frequently conducted at the University: "We are happy to know that, in near future too, there will be winter workshop on animal cell culture, food microbiology in coordination of this very internationally renowned company, for our benefit."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lovely Professional University organized Inter School Open Basket Ball Championship

Lovely Professional University has been witnessing Inter School Competitions in more than 20 Sports Events in the campus. Thousands of would be Engineers, Educationists, Pharmacists, Research- Scholars are showcasing their inborn talent in the related field of the sports activity. Under this, Inter School Open Basket Ball Championship was held at the Campus. In all, 14 teams participated on knock-out basis. Starting from the first week of September, the championship saw its final match played, as a neck to neck competition in which the School of Computer Applications defeated School of Management by 45-42. The sports loving students enjoyed all the matches with much fan-fare. The Director General, Er HR Singla, of LPU awarded trophy to the winning Team and prizes to the chosen best players.

Congratulating the winners and motivating all other participants to different competitions, Er Singla said: “The huge participation of Professional Programmes' students in sports is clearly indicating that individual talents play major role in the overall development of a student. That is why our university is propagating on these lines so that a student must not waste his inborn talents in any way. We have even offered many scholarships to the deserving sportsmen-women so that they may progress on both the lines of talent development- Individual as well as Professional." Continuing he added: "Even the Flexi Credit System, adopted towards the selected programmes by the University, is based on the same tones where an Engineering, Bio-Technology or some other student is free to choose a few courses from other department including sports.”

Most recently, LPU has undergone an extensive restoration and rehabilitation process transforming itself into a state-of-the-art special events arena. In addition to, Basketball Championship, LPU is, also organising competitions in the fields like Judo, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Wrestling, Boxing, Badminton, Chess, Football, Hockey, Cricket etc. Eyeing Olympics, the management is trying hard to prepare the students in such a way that at least they may aspire to join Indian Olympic team. In fact, LPU has proven to be a great setting for sports men/women, athletes and fans of the events.

A few of the participating students Hamid, Roger, Manav, Rohit, Kulwinder and Raphael said: "We are, of course, thrilled to participate in the different sports activities. These all activities are providing us much fun, relaxation, encouragement and team spirit along with our studies.”

Friday, September 16, 2011

ICMR-MYOD Survey Ranked Lovely Professional University one among top Management Institutions of India

Lovely Professional University has been recently ranked as one of the foremost Management Institutions of India. It has been featured as one of the top 50 B-Schools, in the esteemed pages of the popular youth magazine for career and competitions, MYOD, out of 650 colleges and Institutions. LPU is adjudged as such in an exclusive two phased survey conducted by Indian Council for Market Research. For the perspective research survey, in the first phase, they scrutinized more than 650 listed B-Schools. Whereas, Global Exposure, Faculty, Infrastructure, Student Profile, Personality Development, Course Content, Research, Industry Interface, Placement& Package, Alumni were the parameters ascertained and adjudged during second phase of the meticulously conducted survey to categorize the Individual Institution.

Talking about the achievement, the Chancellor of the University, Mr Ashok Mittal, said: "Going through the editorial of the 'MYOD'; I do agree with the executive editor, Ms Priyanka Rai, of this most read youth magazine that "the top reveals itself only after one starts climbing; and,.a pyramid cannot be built from the top down". Continuing he said: "Harbouring hopes and dreams for the future, our University has always been trying hard through its students and staff members, on role, to scale regularly towards novel attainments. However, instead of being pampered, we should become more prepared to transcend ahead as we hold unending responsibilities towards students and parents in the presently fast changing education scenario."

The thing to be noted is that the respondents for the parameters adopted were students, Faculty-Members, Parents and Corporations from top arena, in relevance to the parameters divided among them: Students covered were current management students, Faculty members were from esteemed organizations like IIM-Bangalore, IIT-Delhi, the Industry/HR professionals and CMOs involved from well-reputed organizations in the industries of Banking & Financial Services, Automobiles, Telecom, Retail, Information Technology, Consulting and others. The final ranking is based on the cumulative mean score on each of the parameters.

It is beyond doubt that Top Magazines, Newspapers and TV Channels like Dalal Street Journal, EFY, 4Ps, Business Digest, Business Baron, The Week, CSR, Bhaskar Lakshya, Business India, Star News, Zee TV, Indian Express Group, The Times of India and many others have already considered LPU as one of the leading Universities in providing quality education and have also accorded good rankings to the University in areas like placements, industry interface, infrastructure, international relations etc.

Monday, September 12, 2011

LPU conducted a Two-day workshop on Cyber Forensics and Ethical Hacking

A two day workshop on Cyber Forensics and Ethical Hacking was held at Lovely Professional University for its students and aspiring faculty. It was held on 10th and 11th September in collaboration with Net Nobles Technologies, IT Compliance & Security, from Karnataka state. The training covered modules of Ethics; Google Hacking; Information Gathering, Scanning; Sniffing Networks; Web Application Security; Virus, worms, Trojans and Malwares; Meta-spoilt Unleashed; Social Engineering Toolkit; Practical approach to cryptography etc. Three experts Mr. Hari krishnan, Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Karthik Ranganath- A member of the NULL community, CEO and Mr. Raghavendra Karthik D, Chief Technical Analyst also addressed the training seekers. More than 300 students got benefitted through this workshop.

On this conduction, the Director General of the University, Er. H R Singla said: "We want that our students should always be up to the Mark. They should be well abreast with latest technologies emerging regularly, affecting our lives, directly or indirectly. The present conduction through the very expert hands in the field is an effort for the general benefit of the students." He added: "The practical approach made available to the students, through experts, has really made the course contents of the workshop very easily understandable to them." He also laid stress that such workshops are very essential in present scenario where spreading wings of 'hacking' are direly needed to be nipped for the benefit of the society.

It is worth noticing that 'Net Nobles' is a network security audit and security consulting firm in the field of Information security and Ethical Hacking. It has been catering to the needs of IT infrastructure security and also system security, along with the needs of students by training them and making their foundation strong in this field. Its IT audit services include network security audit, compliance audit, website security audit, penetration testing, risk assessment, and forensic investigation. Explaining more, Mr. Hari Krishnan, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), informed: "Our team has over 200 web application advisories to its name, along with few journals being published in different portals. Our team represents Def Con in India in two places. We also have members with international certifications in the field of network security and Ethical hacking."

A few of the participant-students, Puneet, Archit, Srishti, Jo Anne, Paras, Milind, Rebecca said: "During training, 'HaXoR' immersed us into a hands-on environment by showing how to conduct ethical hacking. We were exposed to an entirely different way of achieving optimal information security posture by knowing fully how to scan, test, hack and also to secure our own systems. In fact, it was a very fast paced course, of sixteen hours, with live demos of hacking tools. We have come to know Hacking history, Why is security needed, What is ethical hacking, Google tricks, Basic hacks and allied issues in a very easy manner."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lovely Professional University organized National Nutrition Week

The School of Hospitality of Lovely Professional University held the first week of September as National Nutrition Week at the University. The objective of this week was to educate general public, students and other members of the staff against various factors leading to malnutrition. It was also to encourage them adopt healthy eating habits. Students and the faculty of the school organized various messages related to healthy nutrition through Exhibition of Models, Posters and charts on Nutrition, Guest Lectures by reputed Dieticians, Community Awareness Programme, Nutritional Counselling and Recipe contest etc.

On this organizational series, a valuable Guest Lecture on Dietary Management of Diabetes was delivered by Chief Dietician of eminent reputation Ms Madhu Arora, from Govt Medical College & Hospital Chandigarh. The faculty and students of Nutrition & Dietetics visited Mitthu Basti at Jalandhar, in association with NARCHI (National Association for Reproductive and Child Health India), where School going girls, pregnant & lactating women and elderly ladies were given messages to reduce anemia. As to all, they were, too, informed about balanced diet, deficiency disorder and food sources of various nutrients, hygiene and sanitation, consumption of green leafy vegetables and to take care of their nutritional needs. On this occasion, Dr Rajeshwari, Dr Deepali Luthra, Dr Sushma Chawla appreciated the efforts of the university and emphasized the need to continue create such community awareness programmes. The last step of this celebration was observed as a Recipe (Low Fat Recipe) Contest.

On the conclusive day of the organization, congratulating all the organizers, the Director General of the University, Er HR Singla said: "The need of good nutrition is of utmost importance for all. Scores of people are seen, in and around, under the worst effect of Mal-nutrition. Mainly and primarily, the young and developing ones are suffering a lot, due to ill-awareness in regard to it." Continuing, he said: "That is why our University has started certain programmes like Nutrition and Dietetics, which are of dire necessity in present scenario. As the culture of profit making eating-joints establishment is on regular increase day by day; students can go for such programmes for their better settlement in life with adoption of latest know-how on these lines."

The participating students of MSc Nutrition and Dietetics of the school, Simranjit, Richa, Loveneet Kaur, Neha Sewani , Shivangi, Reshma, Akanksha, Simrandeep, Anureet presented nutrition awareness messages through poems, speech, slide show and riddles initially; followed by competitions like Poster Making, Slogan Writing etc. Healthy nutritious snacks, prepared by them and other contestants remained centre of attraction. They said jointly: "We tried our levels best to guide all towards current scenario of malnutrition in the country, particularly through fast-food, and key issues and challenges of food habits of adolescents. This celebration is very meaningful for all students like us. It has indeed given us a right platform to propagate our career in a right direction." As part of corporate social responsibility Dabur Foods had given the sponsorship for different programmes.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Top Technology Institutions of New Zealand & LPU signed MOUs

Lovely Professional University has signed two important MOUs with top Institutions of New Zealand, Unitec Institute of Technology (UIT), Auckland & Waikato Institute of Technology (WIT), Hamilton. These MOUs are Inter-Institutional Agreement of Co-operation for Programmes of Staff Student Exchange, Collaborative Research, Conferences and seminars, Co-operative learning, Development and Application of Educational Methods and Technologies, Visiting scholar programmes, Short-term training Programmes and projects etc. In this regard, detailed and separate MOUs have been duly signed by Dr. Rick Ede, President and Chief Executive, UIT & Dr. Monica Gulati, Registrar, LPU, on one hand and between Mr Stewart Brougham, Director Inter-nationalization, WIT, & Er. Aman Mittal, Deputy Director, Division of International Affairs, LPU on the other, on strategic level. Under this, the Institutions will also work towards developing jointly accredited programmes and in establishing academic programmes by means of open and distance education.

It is worth telling that these MOUs are in continuation to an active delegation participation from eight universities of New Zealand at the University, in the month of April, 2011, which kept streamlining the collaborative purposes, since then. However, the coveted MOUs have only been signed with these two most promising and students favouring Universities.

In this context, the Chancellor, Mr Mittal said: "We always want to accord maximum global exposure to our students as well as the members of staff focusing, mainly and primarily, on real world education. This all is under a strong motive to provide global-oriented work-ready human resource to the Industry world around." He added: "Such MOUs with world-class Institutes are indeed on these lines. Now, the students are expected to utilize this effort of ours fully for the betterment of themselves as well as the society."

On contacting Dr. Rick Ede of UIT, he said: "India is a market with huge growth potential, especially, in the education sector. Indian engineering and management institutions have doubled from 2005-06 to 2010-11. This rapid growth represents the demand for professional, job-oriented degrees, as these programmes have a relatively higher employability. Understanding the same, we have come to LPU in India intending to work-around such requirements. Similarly, Mr. Stewart Brougham from 'Wintec' said: "We are looking forward to start working in India to bring and build forth a stronger work-force community through education, research and career development."
It is worth illustration that 'Unitec' is a member of the International Association of Universities; whereas, 'Wintec' is one of New Zealand's largest Institutes of Technology/Polytechnics (ITPs). Both of these are leading provider of high quality, vocational and professional education across a wide range of skills that are highly sought after around the world.