
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pharmacy ‘Guru’ at University of Wolver-Hampton Presented Interactive Lecture at Lovely Professional University

The Department of Applied Medical Sciences of Lovely Professional University hosted a Guest interactive lecture on "Pharmacy: Past, Present and Future”. The key-Speaker was Head of the Pharmacy Department of Wolver-Hampton University, UK. He presented the well elaborated details about the Pharmacy science to the students, faculty and other invited audience. Also, during the meeting with the Senior authorities and Dean of Applied Medical Sciences of LPU, he forwarded the initiative for ‘Research based collaboration’, ‘Developing Twinning Programme’ and Short Duration Programme of Importance for the present pharmacy education scenario.

On this occasion the Chancellor of the University, Mr Ashok Mittal said: “The Department of Pharmacy of our University has already proved its might by filing patents as well as involving in great research works. And, it is one of the main reasons that the University of Wolver-Hampton has set collaborative work with LPU. It is developing the collaborative programmes where the students will have access to their all facilities.” He further added: “We always have positive attitude to accept the proposals made by the foreign Universities of much importance in the present education context. In fact, we are open to such initiatives at any point of time for the benefit of the students to lead them to a globalized environment of knowledge, innovation and enterprise.”

Addressing the students, Prof. Morgan said: “India has become a great centre of attraction almost in all areas including Health education. Numerous Companies are looking at setting up research as well as testing facilities here. We also have been thinking to put forward our strategies towards learning and teaching, in research at LPU.” He also added: “Moreover,We also want that the modern pharmacy students should come out as valuable assets to the global economies which they are going to serve.”

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Management and Members of Lovely Professional University organized its annual conference- 'Share the Vision'

All the senior functionaries and other members of the staff of Lovely Professional University gathered, on consecutive two days, to share how to take the University to the glorious and global heights. As such, a world class annual conference 'Share the Vision-2010' concluded today with colourful cultural evening 'Sanidhya' held for all the Staff-members and their families. All assembled on a common platform and shared the vision of the University through massive presentations, addresses, lectures and a series of other illustrative initiatives and activities.  Both the celebrations were based upon the ideas for future progress of the University in the service of the society and the nation. On this occasion,  Chairman of the Lovely Group, Mr Romesh Chander Mittal, Vice-Chairman Mr Naresh Mittal, Chancellor of LPU Mr Ashok Mittal, Vice Chancellor Dr Vijay Gupta, Director General Er HR Singla, Executive Dean Ms Rashmi Mittal, and other dignitaries were prominently present.

Projecting his share to the mammoth gathering of the 'Lovely University Family' with a common slogan for all "to be Proudly Indian, Truly Global University" Chancellor Mr. Mittal Said "Annual conference 'Share the Vision' is the high and right time to share and exhibit - What made the University grow to the present status, what is missing, how shortcomings can be addressed, or anything needed to be   changed in the Systems, Policies or Culture of the university. He concentrated on, for all: "Forego all ifs and buts and just work together with full commitment towards the goal of providing quality education. Each and every member matters to the University. So keep on sharing your ideas and concerns and dedicate yourself to only one aim Quality, Quality, and Quality." VC Dr Gupta stressed to act for transformation of self, the university and the nation; DG Er Singla wanted all to make the full use of today for the best preparation of tomorrow; whereas, ED Ms Mittal well explained the ownership and the true relations between the Head of the Departments and their Students ought to be.

There were also presentations on Best Practices by Teams, consisted of exemplary nature revealing remarkable results and motivation to others. A number of other fruitful and informative presentations were also made by Sr Deans Dr Modi & Dr LR Gupta, Deans Dr Gulati & Dr Bawa, Director DSCS, Mr Navein Juneja and other personalities. The concluding colourful cultural evening of the celebrations ' Sanidhya' marked the award ceremony wherein all the staff members having last five years standing association with the University were honoured. Attractive gifts, trophies, medals, prizes, sashes and honours were also bestowed upon the winner-participants of different events; whereas, all other were well applauded for their participation-spirit.

University of Missouri and LPU Signed MoU

In a step further towards its internationalization strategy, Lovely Professional University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University of Missouri, Columbia. This MoU was signed between the Engineering departments of both the Universities with a vision of providing the students the opportunity to study in each other’s campus and learn the workings of foreign universities.
Both the universities are prominent names in the field of education in their respective countries and are considered to be pioneers of quality education at international level. Missouri University is considered one of the nation's top-tier institutions of the world and has a reputation of excellence in teaching and research while LPU has earned the stature of largest University in India. The twinning arrangement programmes offered by LPU have a major say in the curriculum and pedagogy of the University and this prompts the foreign universities to come in collaboration with it. Under this MoU, the students taking admission in the under graduate engineering courses of 2011 session shall be eligible to complete half their course at LPU and the other half at Missouri University.
On signing the MoU, Mr. Ashok Mittal, Chancellor of LPU said, “LPU is a global University having tie ups with 20 international universities of global repute. Our twinning arrangement programmes are the strength of our curriculum which allows our students to have enough international exposure. This collaboration with University of Missouri will benefit our students in terms of practical exposure and knowledge enhancement which will further help them in their professional lives. Such students who have global exposure and experience always have an edge over other potential candidates at the time of recruitments. We want all our students to have that ‘edge’ and hence we are doing continuous efforts to enter into such new collaborations.”  
Expressing his trust in LPU, Dr.Jim Thompson, the Dean of University of Missouri said, “We always wanted to have a tie up with an Indian University which works on the similar strategies and patterns as we do. After a stringent survey on Indian universities we found LPU to be the best suited one for our requirements. The University is not only open to spreading quality education at international level but also has its curriculum and pedagogy at par with international universities. This makes it a university well recognized at global level. As we sign this MoU with such a renowned name, I’m pleased that our 6 months efforts to get associated with LPU have well paid off.”
The most illustrative factor about MU is that it is ranked at No. 32 with Michigan State University and Virginia Tech in the top 50 public national universities-doctoral list with more than thirty thousand students on rolls. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) of United States accredits it. NCA itself is one of six regional organizations recognized by the United States Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation

LPU signs MOU with Limkokwing University of Creative Technologies

Lovely Professional University signed a MOU with Limkokwing university, Malaysia to facilitate the provision of students' transfer, exchange and collaborative works between both the Universities. Limkokwing university has strong reputation in area of Management and Animation. Limkokwing University is a fast growing University with several campuses across globe, including Malaysia, UK, Bali, Botswana, Borneo, Cambodia and Lesotho. Through this MoU both Universities will explore oppourtinities for students and faculty exchange as well as developing joint programs.

Both the Universities after signing the MOU have various lined up joint programmes considering the needs of Indian as well as foreign students. Regarding this MOU, Associate Prof Dr Jayles Yeoh, Vice President, International Development, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Limkokwing University said, “ A comprehensive programme of any University includes providing enough exposure to the students to understand the working of corporate at local as well as global level. This MOU will benefit the Management students of both the universities to learn the Management skills required in international market. We are happy to have a tie up LPU which has a global repute in the education sector.”

On signing the MOU, Dr. Vijay Gupta, VC of LPU said, “ LPU always strives to provide its students hands-on-experience in their respective fields. In this regard, we already have entered in tie ups with 20 renowned foreign universities in different fields. MOU with Limkokwing is another achievement in this step and with this tie up more and more students will get required foreign exposure which will further groom them and capitalise on placement opportunities provided by the University. Apart from Management programmes we are also looking forward to have tie up in other commom fields of both the universities like Animation, Graphics, Desigining etc.”

Gym-Instructor Brings laurels to Lovely Professional University once again

Gym-Instructor of Lovely Professional University, Dharminder Singh has brought laurels to his University once again by being declared as WORLD CHAMPION-2010. The occasion was World Fitness & Body-Building Championship-2010, held at Kupele Brusno in Republic Slovakia. It was high prestige championship where competitors from 92 countries, all across the world, exhibited their body worth. It was held by internationally acclaimed World Fitness Federation (WFF) & World Body Building Federation (WBBF). And, it is for the second time in the History of Body Building Championships that an Indian snatched the Gold Medal in weight category 95 and over-all Mr. World Title, from the jaws of his very strong 42 rivals. He already has title of Mr Europe in his account.

Congratulating him on his brilliant achievement, the Chancellor of LPU, Mr Ashok Mittal Said: “Even with humble origin and position, persons like Dharminder can prove their worth through determination and perseverance. They shine not only in their own country but on foreign lands also. We are very happy that the students getting training under him at the University Gym will certainly be benefitted through his achievements and experiences gained during world based competitions. For his further marvellous successes, all of his well-wishers at the University wish for him many of such coveted titles to bring more and more laurels to himself, University, as well as the nation.”

Advising young Body-Builders, he says: “Challenges and failures teach us to achieve more and more in this world. The only things to observe are perseverance, belief and determination. The beginners should learn how to do the exercises correctly. They must start very light, get a feel for exercises and slowly practice by increasing the weights.” He further warned the youngsters to abhor and avoid usage of steroids, stimulants and intoxicants: “There is no short cut for Body-Building. Drugs, Steroids are slow killers. These do not make one grow.” So, in regards to the body supplements, he recommends Whey Protein,  Green Vegetables, Fruit , Juices , Soya-Products , Eggs and even chicken (if one relishes ). As for his diet, he takes 6 - 7 meals daily consisting of approximately 40% Protein, 50% carbohydrates & 10% fats. He eats 25% of his carbohydrates with breakfast & 25% immediately after training. The rest are spread evenly throughout the day. He eats 40g of protein with each meal coming from Chicken, egg whites.
It is worth noticing that born in a small village Khadiala Sania, Distt Hoshiarpur (Punjab), Dharminder had already set his eyes on the presently won glorious title of Mr. World after winning the title of Mr Europe. The President of World Fitness Federation, Edmundas Daubaras had himself selected and recommended his name for Mr World and Mr. Universe body- building championships. Blessed by his Guru Rama kant Sharma of Mohali, he always remained good at sports and body-building championships. Representing at state & national levels, he was adjudged Mr. India twice in the year 2006 &2008 and Senior Mr. Punjab at Mohali, overall Mr. North India, four times Overall district Champion, at different levels of competitions held by different organizations.

Lovely Professional University and Punjab Info-Tech Sign MOU to promote Entrepreneurial Projects  

In order to promote the innovative entrepreneurship projects and to grow the information concept, Lovely Professional University and Punjab Info-Tech (an ISO 9001-2008 certified State Government Undertaking) have signed up a Memorandum of Understanding. In this regard, Punjab Technical University (PTU), Jalandhar and LPU, together, hosted Delegates from Taiwan to establish Incubation Centers. Dr Terial TR LU of Technology Transfer & Business Incubation Centre, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan had round table discussions with representatives of PTU and LPU, Vice-Chancellor Dr Rajneesh Arora and Dr Sanjay Modi,  respectively. Other team members were also prominently present to witness this historic moment.  It is to create an environment conducive to employability and entrepreneurship for the benefit of the students and the society. The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE) has also joined hands to it.
Apropos of this occasion, the Chancellor of the University, Mr Ashok Mittal informed: "Devising to establish an Incubation Centre, in the near future, in association and support of people like Dr LU, is really a very great moment for all of us. By converting and translating technology ideas and innovation, in various disciplines of science and engineering, into products and services, the society and students are going to be benefitted in a very befitting manner. In fact, the presence of an incubator creates an environment to encourage students and faculty members to think about setting up ventures based on their own technologies and ideas, thus promoting Research and Development also."
It is illustrative that Dr LU has been entrusted in setting up one of the largest Incubation Centre at NCK University in Taiwan. He has also worked as a patent expert in one of the most technologically advanced company, HTC. Seeming very happy on the discussions held, Dr LU said: "It has elated me to pulse that the Indian Universities are serious in imbibing the concept of Incubation Centre, which is presently limited to economy related UK, USA and Australia. Starting practicing in India, it is going to prove wonderful to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies through an array of support resources and services under incubator management." 
It is worth noticing that Punjab Info-Tech is actively engaged in promoting the Punjab as one of the most investor friendly IT/ Knowledge Industry destination; whereas, TIE focuses on generating and nurturing next generation of entrepreneurs. And, the hall-mark of any Incubation Undertaking is to start-up early-stage entrepreneurial projects through its network of contacts, co-ordinations, Marketing, Mentoring, venturing capital support etc to the aspirants.

Student of Lovely Professional University Shines as a Successful Young Novelist

Just coming out of his teens, the author of 'A Feeling Beyond Words', Mr. Abhishek Kothari has brought laurels to the Lovely Professional University (LPU) by proving himself as a successful young novelist. He is a III-Year student of Mechanical Engineering and aspires to complete MBA Programme of the University. His novel explains well the different aspects and situations of love, based on real grounds. In depiction of the theme, he is seen similar and dissimilar to the famous novelist, of the country, Chetan Bhagat. And, taking the background and characters of the University, for his this factual fiction, in a very simple style, he is continuously getting wide acclaims and responses.

Wishing the best of creativity ahead for the blooming Kothari, the Executive Dean of the University, Ms. Rashmi Mittal, said: "It is hardly believable that a young student like Kothari can create such a wonderful document like novel on the refined theme of Love. We at the university are feeling proud of him that LPU is providing another Chetan Bhagat to India. The persons like Kothari always prove themselves in accordance to the talents within. We wish that utilizing his creativity, he may come out with more such creations for the general readers."

Kothari says that 'A Feeling Beyond Words' guides well all the lovers and beloved ones on the real aspects of man-woman relationships. It is a try to prove that true love stories still exist, quite away from the fantasies of Bollywood characters. Love is a forceful source of inspiration to all those who want to understand fully its real meaning. Here, he has tried to answer all the possible queries arising out of the love pertaining situations like 'Is it right to destroy the whole world just for one LOVE, or Is it more important to love a person who loves you/ whom you love, or, Is it right to spend the whole of life struggling, waiting for love of a person who might never return, etcetera. He takes love as a Law of life which professes 'expect nothing, squander everything'. He is getting wide acclaims and responses for the same.

It is worth illustration that the factors: the words of the Executive Dean during Induction Programme at the University; the girl he met in the Campus; the novel he read on the way to LPU; and, above all, calm, serene and pious atmosphere of the University inspired him the most and became all the flights of his creative soul. Kothari does not want to be compared and contrasted with the famous writer Chetan Bhagat. However, at times he is similar as well as dissimilar to the latter. Both have the same streams of their education- Mech.Engg. and MBA; found the girl of inspiration at the Campus and worked on the theme of LOVE. However, Kothari is very young, only a third year student, not married to the girl of his inspiration.

National Stock Exchange and Lovely Professional University sign-up MoU to Launch Certification Programme-NCCMP

In order to impart knowledge and awareness about the Securities Market, Lovely Professional University & National Stock Exchange (NSE) signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to offer a Certificate Programme - NSE Certified Capital Market Professional (NCCMP). The agreement was executed through Mr T Venkat Rao, Vice-President & Head Northern Region, NSE and Dr Monica Gulati, Registrar LPU. Whereas, other team members of both the sides witnessed this coveted moment. Under this MoU, LPU will offer a Programme, ranging about 4-6 months, in the capital Market.

On this occasion, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Mr Vijay Gupta mentioned: " For this Programme, LPU will impart training and conduct Mid Term Exams(MTE) at the campus; whereas, the End Term Exams(ETE) are to be online through NSE Servers." He further added: "Now, with the Indian Stock Market taking the global importance, it is required to produce HR Resource that can work scientifically. There is an acute shortage of such people in the industry and through this programme we will be able to fill the gap."

Providing more information about this programme, Mr Ankit Jain, Assistant Manager NSE, New Delhi said: "This Programme will include important topics on Financial Markets, Derivatives, Trading System, Macro Economics, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Market Operations and Currency Futures etc. It is in accordance to the present scenario of ruling economics and economy thereof. In addition to students, it will be beneficial for the working force of banks, mutual funds & broking- firms also."

It is worth noticing that the participants, of this 100 hour programme, will be provided study material by NSE. Moreover, at the end of the programme, they will be provided with Joint-Certification by both LPU and NSE. They will also be getting fully equipped with the knowledge and understanding to qualify the NCFM exams, which are mandatory for many jobs in the financial sector. The dates for start of the programme would be announced on the websites of LPU and NSE simultaneously.