
Monday, May 31, 2010

Thames Valley University (UK) & Lovely Professional University Forged Tie-Up

To provide international exposure and magnify the dissemination of knowledge to its Hotel Management Students, Lovely Professional University has undergone a collaboration with Thames Valley University(TVU), UK for the quality of its different programmes in International Hotel Management. A senior academic consultant, Ms. Susanne Baker from TVU, (UK) paid a visit to the Department of Hotel Management of Lovely School of Hospitality of the University. She perceived the feasibilities of concurrence between the two universities for B Sc Hospitality Management (Twinning Programme). After mutual discussions an MOU was signed between the two universities in regards to this.

In this programme, students will be given a chance to undertake a Twinning programme in which they will have two years of studies in India at LPU and the remaining one, or one and a half in TVU, (UK). Appreciating the world class infra-structure, curriculum and pedagogy of LPU Ms. Susanne Baker said : “ As these are of International standards, this tie-up will , eventually , enrich the reservoirs of knowledge of the young scholars at LPU in a better way by actually facing the international atmosphere in the last phase of their programme. Moreover, TVU gives a lot of importance to this co-operation because it reinforces its presence in India significantly. ”

On this occasion the Chancellor of LPU, Sh. Ashok Mittal said : “With an objective to develop and upgrade the quality of training and professional skills for the students of its hotel management programmes, LPU judged it necessary to call upon a partner with an international reputation. For both TVU and LPU increasing the dissemination of significant scholarly advancements to the students is a major goal. We’re delighted to work with Thames Valley University’s Department of Hotel Management Studies to bring this MOU to much wider prospects.”

After having studied several proposals, and finding that TVU has an international standing, LPU thought it necessary to harmonize the Hotel Management programmes on the line of International standards. In fact a good theorist does not necessarily have to be a good hotel manager. It is indispensable for him/her to have excellent professional knowledge. Thus, the collaborative programmes aim to help the students achieve not only the “savoir-faire” (know-how) but also “savoir-ĂȘtre” (develop one's personality) that is so particularly important in this profession, essential for recruitment by the large hotel groups in India and around the world.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

WIPRO Hires Ten Students of Lovely Professional University

Under its special programme WIPRO-SIM (School of IT Infrastructure Management) for Diploma Holders, WIPRO INFOTECH selected four students from Lovely Institute of Polytechnic of Diploma CSE / IT. Whereas, Wipro Technologies under its WASE(Wipro Academy of Software Excellence) programme selected other six BCA students of LPU on joint campus drive. Under these unique programmes students will be provided an opportunity to pursue higher studies along-with working.

The selected candidates will work with Wipro during the week and be provided with an opportunity to pursue an MS program from BITS, Pilani during the weekends. The duration of the programme is 5.5 years. Wipro would fund the entire education cost and the students be eligible for stipend during the course of the programme. The Diploma students will work under a Package starting from 7500/- to 21, 500/- per month with a regular year by year increment; whereas, the package for BCA students will start from Rs. 8500/-.

Congratulating the students on their coveted achievement, the Executive Dean of LPU, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said : “ LPU time to time keeps on inviting such companies which provide even chances to the students in accordance to their capabilities and performances. These unique programmes are a great chance for students to serve Wipro InfoTech and Wipro Technologies, the divisions of the US$5 billion Wipro Limited, providing enterprise customers with high value Information Technology Products, Software Services, Solutions and Consulting Services, and at the same time upgrade their skills.”

On grabbing this great offer one of the Diploma students, Naman bubbling with happiness said: “ This opportunity is really going to shape my life in new form . I wanted to continue my studies for B. Tech. However, due to financial constraints I had to hold myself back. But, now with this selection, all is well. I will also be learning while earning.”

In these unique drives Wipro InfoTech and Wipro Technologies stand on yet another threshold of environment of innovative expression that keeps ‘The Spirit’ of WIPRO alive. It is, in a way, great social responsibility to provide to the world great employable assets by selecting very young students from universities and institutions all over India making them learn while earn, being completely away from all financial constraints.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PTU-LPU Have Devised A Joint Faculty Development Programme

Lovely Professional University and Punjab Technical University have devised a unique programme of training their faculty on analytical, critical, innovative and latest pedagogy . The training will be for one month from 21st June, 2010 onwards, in the form of workshops (3-5 days per subject) on more than 30 different areas. The “Gurus” in the field of education from various IITs of the country & who have established themselves as a name in their specific fields, have been specially engaged for this. They will be imparting the best and exclusive know - how to the faculty of the two universities. The training will be arranged in the LPU Campus where participants from both the Universities will participate.

Various Renowned Professors from India’s top technology institutions like IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Gandhinagar, Jadavpur University, NIIT University have accorded their consent. To name a few of them are Prof. Qureshi and Prof. Rajat Moona from IIT, Kanpur. Their areas of expertise are VLSI Design and Micro- Processor and its Application respectively. Prof. BN Banerjee from Kolkata who has his area of expertise in ‘Mechanical Design’. Whereas, Prof. RN Biswas from NIIT University is for Digital Electronics and Prof. Sanjeev Sanghi from IIT, Delhi is for Fluid Mechanics. Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi , Prof. Raghubir Sharan, Prof. Pradip Sircar, Prof. Ajay Jain, Prof. RK Ghosh and Prof. AK Mallik are some other illustrative names who would be participating in this unique attempt by the both the Universities.

The ethos underlying this special devising are based on the successful saga of Industry. The persons who enter Industry, get due training on required intervals for up-gradations and timely orientations . On the same lines teachers should also be given training.

On this occasion, the Vice-Chancellor of LPU, Dr. Vijay Gupta said : “ It is a very new concept of Faculty Development Programme. Up-till now, the FDPs were restricted to updating teachers knowledge in advanced area. But, it is being increasingly felt that we are not making much head way in this because the faculty is not exposed to the modern pedagogy in basic courses. And, if the basic courses are not well taught, the super structure of advanced courses cannot be built.” To counter this problem, he further added, “The New–Approach which is in line with the recommendation of the Technical Education Work-Group of the National Knowledge Commission is being followed and agreed by both the Universities, as well .

The Vice- Chancellor of PTU, Dr. Rajneesh Arora said : “This is the most important thing happening in Technical Education & PTU will like to continue in this direction to upgrade the skills of its faculty .”

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lovely Professional University Tying Up With European Universities

In order to establish mutual ties with Universities of Europe’s prominent country-Finland , house of great corporate names like Nokia , Kuoni , Lovely Professional University had invited the delegates from three different Universities of Finland . To begin with senior representatives from three Government Finnish Universities Visited L P U to make Indian Students / Teachers pave their way through the collaborative and multilateral exchange programmes to Finland . They purpose-fully met the Chancellor , Vice-chancellor and Executive Dean of LPU in this regard.

Dean Elina Martin & Rector Elisabeth Malka from Vaasa University Of Applied Sciences ; Director Harri Mikkonen & Programme Director Kaija Saramaki from North Karelia University of Applied Sciences ;And , Vice- Rector Mervi Vidgren & Maija Suhonen from Savonia University of Applied Sciences explained the main areas of specializations of their related universities like Engineering and Energy Industry , International Business , & Business Studies . During the discussions the universities of both the sides agreed for the collaboration of students/faculty exchange programmes.

One of the visiting representatives, Ms Elisabeth Malka, freely said : “Inter-nationalization of higher education has always been one of the key development areas in Finnish education policy. The objective defined by the Ministry of Education of Finland to be able to send students abroad on an exchange, has become necessary for Finnish institutions of higher education to intensify their efforts to internationalize their campuses .”

On this occasion, the Chancellor of LPU , Sh. Ashok Mittal ,said: “ It is better to understand the timely importance of the trans-nationalization of education. In the present scenario of continuously increasing intelligence quotient, especially, of professional students; the key issue for us is to produce internationally relevant human resource. This is only possible if the Indian counterparts work with foreign counterparts jointly .”

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hotel Management Students of LPU Tried Creative Recipes To Be The Best Chef

In order to make the students understand the qualities of a ‘Best Chef’ , Nutrition – Balanced Diets , Healthy Food Habits Among Young Generation ; School of Hospitality of Lovely Professional University held a Student-Chef Competition for the students of Hotel Management of Third & First Year. It was held in association with Mrs Bector’s Food Specialities Ltd (CREMICA). The competition was aimed at bringing professional competence among students . The concept was basket cookery using Cremica brand products. 60 students of 1st year & 3rd year appeared for the written exam to enter the second level. The student chefs prepared three course menu within four hours. It was televised through internet to the students of all sections of Department of Hotel Management.

The competitors were assessed by a panel of senior food production faculty members through viva-voice level. In all, 12 student chefs competed in the finals. The competition was monitored by Chef Arvind Sharma, Executive Chef, Ista Amritsar. The jury was also comprised of him(Arvind Sharma), Mrs Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean of LPU, Mr Harmeet Singh Johar, ASM, Cremica & Mr Vishwajeet, Senior Sales Officer, Mrs Bector’s Food Specialities Ltd.

Mr Mandeep Singh (BHMCT-3rd year) grabbed the Senior Chef Trophy. His appetiser was Soya Croquettes. He also prepared a soup, Cream of Lentil . And , in main course he prepared Grilled Vegetables with Steamed Rice . Runners-up trophy of Senior Chef went to Mr Rashidur Rahman (BSc-3rd year). He prepared 3 main course dishes Nimbu Pyaz ke Chawal, Dal-e-Rahman, Sabz Nutri; and , a dessert Toor Dal Pudding. The Junior Chef trophy was won by Ms Meet Joshi (BSc-1st year) for the Masala Mushroom, Masala Bhindi and Soya Kheer prepared by her. Runner up trophy went to Mr Vishal (BSc-1st year) for Cream of Tomato Soup, Penne with Basil Cream Sauce and Punjabi Khumb.

The Prizes were given away to all the deserving students by Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rashmi Mittal. She said “ In this world of competition , none can excel unless one harbours ,within , a deep sense of marching ahead of others fully exhibiting the talents under a true competitive spirit .”

Friday, May 14, 2010

First Time In Punjab Vice-Presidents, GMs, Managers HR of Fortune 500 Companies Came Forward to Bring Universities & Industries Together

For the first time in the history of Punjab ,15 top – HR Managers and people from the realms of HR Departments of Big – Groups like Reliance Industries , Shopper Stop , HP , Maruti Suzuki , TCS , sat together and devised to enhance the quality of education and Students by connecting Universities to Industries.The two days event ‘The Bridge – HR Summit’ organized by LPU in the university has made it possible . Also more than two hundred educationists, professors, placement coordinators from different institutes across India come to witness this event.

The Experts in the event elaborated front-line tactics to implement , adapt or scale other’s best practices and techniques. They shared their thoughts on what Corporate do look forward to in freshers , effective education system in Universities , personal improvement in the initial formative years , awareness among students about diverse companies , why companies should give B/C class Institutes a chance and Industrial Training etc.

On this occasion ,in his key-note address, Dr.Nand Kishore Rathi , Chief Navigating Officer, Loratis , conveyed the message specially to the budding managers, “One is not powerful by position. It is by virtue of knowledge . And , a smart one always learns from others. Also, learn to cope with the complex situations and be ever ready to find a solution .” Whereas , Mr. Pramath Nath, HR Business Partner for Asia , Pacific and Japan , Hewlett Packard GBS explained by taking examples of the characters from the Bible , Myths ,History , Sports And day to day life, “One should have ability to apply knowledge and not to ,work on the face value only . One should build oneself as a brand . Never be any complex ridden ; Learn to transmit and translate things to others .”

One of the participants , Ms. Shilpa Dogra said : “ I have ,of course gained much from this initiative . The experts provided the best tactics to be fully fit in a system running totally on modern trends .” Another himself belonging to the HR Department of the University, said : “I have imbibed completely their very positive idea of adapting and scaling others’ best practices and techniques.”

On this drive ,Sh. Ashok Mittal , Chancellor of LPU said : “To be in parallel with emerging trends ; it has become an urgent need of the hour to regularly upgrade and enhance the quality whether in terms of employees or other related aspects . This ‘Summit’ is going to give much to all those who want to be well abreast of the traditions of the ever changing time, Further he added that LPU has signed MOU with HP and reliance for better collaboration in the area of conducting trainings, workshops and placement

Thursday, May 13, 2010

15 best UK Universities Visited Lovely Professional University

Lovely Professional University invited 15 Universities of UK to visit its Campus, today. The motive was to let the Foreign Aspiring Students have a great opportunity to meet with UK academicians face to face. It also had an aim to seek possible collaborations with foreign universities for the benefit of Indian students. The representatives of the Foreign universities also met the Chancellor and the Vice –Chancellor of LPU to seek firm collaborations to promote Students and Faculty Exchange Programmes , Articulation and Joint Researches.

The representatives of top ranking Universities including Roehampton , Staffordshire, Birmingham City ,Aston , Bagnor , Canterbury Christ Church , Edge Hill , , Tee-side and the Universities of Westminster ,Worcester , Bedfordshire, Central Lancashire , the Creative Arts , Northampton , London Academy of Management Sciences paved their way to respond fully to this great educational cause. As many as 600 students got required details from them as per their wants .

Infact , LPU’s this possible foreign collaborative efforts also aim to build mutually beneficial relationships between people in the UK and India to increase appreciation of the creative ideas and achievements . The foreign delegates willingly met with Chancellor Ashok Mittal and Vice- Chancellor Dr Vijay Gupta of LPU and discussed elaborately the details regarding the tie-up options for higher study programmes under modern techniques and trends . The discussions were held in a very anticipating manner , keeping in view the inclinations of the Indian Students . The Universities of Roehampton and Northampton have shown great interest towards this. They also looked forward for the stronger relations between the two.

On this occasion, Mark Blakemore, International Recruitment Officer of Roehampton University London said : “ Indian students are the second largest international students community in the UK. Here in LPU , students have got an opportunity at their door-steps about all those details, in a very easy and convenient way, for which they usually seen hankering after hither and thither , sometimes even becoming victims to negative elements under misgivings . We have tried our levels best to satisfy almost all queries of students and their parents.”

While expressing his sense of gratitude towards the visiting Universities, the Chancellor of LPU ,Ashok Mittal said : “ I personally feel that the education is a key for cultural exchange beyond any rivalry among institutions and universities regarding any intake . It can bring different people together from all over the world and they , in turn , learn from one another. This event will ,too, help to promote cultural exchange between UK and India and possible collaborations between the universities for higher studies under latest trends and techniques. "

LPU Organized Bio-Technology Seminar

In order to motivate its students regarding Industry , Entrepreneurship and Utilities in the field, the Department of Bio-Technology of Lovely Professional University Organized its in House Seminar 'Bio-Technology : The Go Ahead '. Lectures were delivered by many eminent scholars with great research work. Prominent among them with key- lectures were Professor PK Khanna, & Prof. Aruna Bhatia .It was scheduled perfectly into inaugural , Key-Note addresses , Technical , Poster,Oral- Presentations and Valedictory sessions . The programme attracted a large number of students to pulse scientifically the beneficial role of bio-technology in our day to day life . The winner-students for best oral- presentations and posters were awarded prizes.

Prof. PK Khanna delivered his lecture on the topic ‘Crop Residual Management for Commercial Microbial Protein Production’. He laid stress on the overall efficiency of utilization of total energy from a crop by saying : “ When the grain is only used for human consumption or for livestock feed less percentage of the energy and minimum of the protein are utilized.” Whereas, during the second session for her topic ‘Bio-_Technology for Health and Entrepreneurship , Prof. Aruna Bhatia, threw light on the role of micro-organisms in environment and health. She said: “Natural microbial species and genetically modified organisms are the most desired organisms on earth for environment cleaning and maintaining good health of human beings directly or indirectly.”

During the presentation session, there was short-listing of as many as 64 students’ abstracts for oral and poster presentation. The Director General HR Singla ,Vice-Chancellor Vijay Gupta and Sr.Dean Dr.Lovi Raj Gupta of LPU gave away the prizes to the winning- students. Two winners Nikhil Khurana and Priyadarshani said : “ The present seminar means much to us. Moreover, It looks very great while expressing and exhibiting ourselves successfully in regard to our talents.”

While appreciating the endeavours accorded towards the organization of the seminar, the Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rasmi Mittal said: “The role of biotechnology is very significant for all of us. We must become, directly or indirectly , ardent students of this great branch of science to study and understand the characterisation and conservation of crop, forestry, animal resources."

LPU Organised Blood Donation Camp in Collaboration with 'PAHAL'

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences of Lovely Professional University organized 4th one day Voluntary Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with Blood Bank,Civil Hospital Jalandhar and a renowned NGO “PAHAL”on the eve of World Red Cross Day. A ten membered Team from Civil Hospital was specially present under the care of BTO Dr. GaganDeep Singh. President of ‘Pahal’ Prof . Lakhbir Singh was also prominently seen on the scene .

With a motto of helping , every second ,someone somewhere in need of blood to live more, the students and staff-members of the university donated blood voluntarily amounting to 150 units. LPU is determined to have 12 such collaborative camps which have already been started from the month of January to last upto December , 2010. Through this series of camps LPU is to achieve 100% voluntary Blood Donation under the inspiration of Indian Red Cross.

On this occasion Prof. Lakhbir Singh ,also a member Governing body Indian Red Cross Society (Pb.) , said : “Punjab is lagging behind in campaign of VBD; but, it is a matter of great pride that LPU is contributing a big share in comparison to others .”

Two young professional students of LPU TarunPreet Singh and Utkarsh Kaushal said in a joint statement : “ We should always prefer all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized and even prevented . we got a chance and we hilariously availed it .”

Showering blessings on the donors with words of inspiration, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal , the Executive Dean of LPU said : “ Voluntary Blood Donation costs nothing but repays back the donor a great feeling of pleasure, peace and bliss . Soon the same amount of new blood gets formed in the body to improve resistance and circulation thus making the donor feel more healthier and happier than before .”

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Internationally renowned Cyber Security expert , Ankit Fadia Mesmerises Students at Lovely Professional University with his superb techniques

World’s renowned and India’s best Ethical Hacker and Independent computer security and digital intelligence consultant, Ankit Fadia visited Lovely Professional University to deliver a most valuable lecture on hacking procedures . Fadia has led several investigations pertaining to national security and cyber terrorism. In 2001, he was consulted by a classified intelligence agency for breaking an encrypted message sent by one of Osama Bin Laden’s men. . In 2008, he was consulted by the Navi Mumbai Police Department to trace the terror email sent just a few minutes before the Gujarat serial blasts. Widely travelled, Fadia has also provided customized cyber security training and consulting solutions to clients all across Asia, Australia and North America including Google, Citibank, and so many other organizations in the government, police and corporate sectors.

The students of computer science programmes of lovely Honours School of Technology kept hypnotised throughout the lecture, delivered in entertaining and well-informative manner the worst criminal aspect of the internet facility . He chose three ‘Brave Volunteers’ from among the packed house of would be computer engineers settled in Shri Baldev Raj Auditorium of the university and demonstrated live the very easy procedures of hacking through simply knowing separately their e-mail address , credit card number and mobile phone number. He remained generous enough to boost up the participation by gifting handsomely the participants. His workshop mainly explained Cyber Ethics , Information Gathering And Scanning ,Email Hacking, Google Hacking ,Mobile & VoIP Hacking ,Wireless Hacking ,Web Application Hacking ,Cyber Crime Investigation ,Cyber Law etc. He also satisfied the queries of ardent students during the great seamless Interaction session.

A student Srishti Chauhan said : “We are really very lucky to remain face to face in an interaction session of immense utility through Ankit Fadia. In books we have read that hacking is dangerous but from Computer security “guru” we have come to know that hacking could prove Useful as well as an eye-opener.”

Handing over the token of honour to the young ethical hacker the Executive Dean of LPU Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said : “ The world today is more scared from the silent dangerous out-comings of the internet related cyber crimes than other activities of terrorism. The world today really needs the services of young and efficient persons like Fadia .”

Claudia Ceisla walks the ramp at LPU's Annual Graduating Fashion Show

LPU gleamed in the light of style and trends, as it celebrated “Annual Graduating Fashion Show” - a fashion show which put to display the design-collection created indigenously by students passing out from the University. 50 students designers of the University participated in the event and brought out the best of creative talent in designing dresses of different genres. A total of 120 outfits were put to display before an enthusiastic and cheering crowd of more than 4000 people. To showcase the designs, models having featured in Lakme & Wills Fashion Week were called in from Delhi. But the pick of the event was Claudia Ceisla, the German Supermodel who not only graced the event in the capacity of the Guest of Honour, but also set ramp ablaze with her style and aura. The model has won accolades from various quarters of Indian TV industry for her performance in widely watched reality show “Big Boss”.

Shri Ramesh Mittal, Chairman – Lovely International Trust inaugurated the function and said, “Fashion industry is one particular domain where there is tremendous potential of employment, growth and fame. As time progresses, the industry will expand fast and professionals will have bigger opportunities. LPU, on its part, is committed to shape its fashion tech students into the best designers through quality education and extensive training .After the inaugural ceremony, the colourful display of designer dresses by students of LPU was kicked off. The students were divided in 14 groups with each of them showcasing their collection corresponding to a particular theme. Among various themes exhibited were “Contained Desires” (inspired by Rural Baskets), “Overdrive”(inspired by Crime), “Darbar-e-Khas” (inspired by Mughal Architecture ), “Careless Glam”(inspired by Punk Culture ), Dahomean Troopers”(inspired by Warrior Women of Africa), “Deck of Fun”(inspired by Joker of Cards), “Veiled Purity” (inspired by Dark Angels ), “Oopar Niche”(inspired by Snakes & Ladders ), Egyptian Masquerade” (inspired by Egyptian masks), “Popular Prowess” (inspired by Pop Art), Minimum Amplification”(inspired by Small things Amplified), “Antar Stuti” (inspired by Buddha's Peaceful Eyes) and Queen of Strings (inspired by Paper Puppets).

Claudia Ceisla played the role of a “Show Stopper” as she featured in “Veiled Purity” and “Popular Prowess” collections. The theme of “Veiled Purity” was based on the notion that angelic behaviour is all about good thoughts and good deeds, and has not much to do with appearances. In “Popular Prowess”, she upheld the popularity of poop music amongst youth, through her dresses. Draped in dazzling dresses designed by students of LPU, she set the crowd in celebration mode as she glided along the ramp. Whistles, claps and cheers greeted her, as she illuminated the show with her dazzling smile and impeccable style. She carried herself easily and seemed to be enjoying in dresses designed by LPU students. While designing the her dress, factors like fore-casted international trends of the season were borne in mind. All the dresses put to display in show were crafted in house by the students, supported by high tech infrastructure technologies. The students also created accessories, trims and footwear in house to complete the look of collection.

Claudia Ceisla addressed the gathering during the closing ceremony and said, “Beyond doubt, India is emerging as a serious contender for global supremacy in fashion world. The potential of budding fashion designers is at par with the best in the business, but it needs to be promoted in a big way so as to make it visible to the outside world. The creative work of LPU students, as shown today, is a pointer to this fact that there is no dearth of quality fashion technology professionals in India who can be future's trend setters.” At the end of the day, prizes were distributed by Claudia Ceisla, amidst thunderous applauses and cheering shrieks. The event promised to return with a bigger bang in next year.

A team of 24 from Thompson Rivers University, Canada visit LPU for Cultural Exchange Program

A team of 20 students and 4 faculty members from Thompson Rivers University, Canada visited LPU for a Cultural Exchange Program, that was aimed at strengthening the ties between the two Universities by sharing the cultural glimpses of the two countries. With India was emerging as a major knowledge creator through its vast pool of professionally qualified young population, the world is increasingly turning to India to gain a better insight into the functioning and techniques adopted in the imparting learning in schools and colleges here. And before everything else, the are focussing on the culture of the land to find keys to wider concepts like educational paradigms and comprehensive approach towards education.

A team lead by Mrs. Heather Williams, Coordinator- School of Business & Economics, Thompson Rivers University, Canada was welcomed by higher authorities of LPU. She was accompanied by Prof. Bernie Warren, Prof. Dennis Richie and Prof. Lorraine along with 20 students from the Vancouver based University. After receiving a warm welcome from the hosts, Mrs. Heather Williams addressed the gathering and said “It is writing on the wall, that Indian education system is the best when it comes in building the most brilliant students of the world. But at the same time it is a fact that West has to offer a lot as far as higher education and research is concerned. The Universities of India and those from west need to understand each others' culture more closely, so that synergy can be attained when both will work together for the evolving new dimensions of higher education.'

A multitude of lectures on diverse topics were delivered by relevant experts from LPU. Among major issues discussed were the Driving features of India economy, India's run to Superpower by 2030, Strengths of Indian Education Sector, Possible Avenues of cooperation between India & West and India as an education destination. Er. HR Singla, Director General-LPU while addressing the audience said, “Globalization of education is one welcome development, and India is going to benefit in a big way. It is a good sign that Universities from across the globe are coming together to metamorphose the best that can be delivered through education. LPU is making conscious efforts to work alongside globally acclaimed Universities in ensuring the best quality education to its students.”

An elaborate show of various facets of Indian culture was put to display for the guests. From the classical Bharatnatyam to the folk Bhangra, from the group performance of Bihu to the solo Odissi, from the synchronised instrumental jugalbandi to solo performance of Sanskrit Bhajan --- the student artists from LPU extended the most alluring pieces of Indian culture before their Canadian guests. Katherine Stowell, a student from Thompson Rivers University, Canada said, “I have always been enamoured by India and its culture. Its great to see in real the glimpses of Indian culture, something which I have read only in books and on Internet. The more I see of Indian culture, the stronger I feel myself getting drawn towards it. It is simply amazing.”

LPU students bags third position in National Level Conference of All India Medical Laboratory Technologists Association (AIMLTA) event

A three member team comprising Jasmine Shrivastav, Abhishake Kumar and Harsimrat Singh – all students of MSc (Clinical Microbiology) from Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara won third position in the national level Techno Quiz program wherein seventeen renowned colleges from all across India took part. The event was organized as a part of a National Level Conference of All India Medical Laboratory Technologists Association (AIMLTA) at PGIMER Chandigarh on the occasion of World Biomedical Laboratory Science Day. The conference saw students from renowned institutes like PGIMER Chandigarh, IGMC Shimla and PGIMS, Rohtak discussing matters on various issues and aspects of paramedical sciences.

Apart from the contests, seminars on diverse issues pertaining to para medical sciences like biomedical waste management, development of organs, stem cell therapy were delivered by eminent personalities from the relevant fields. Latest knowledge in the field of Diagnostic tools like the Clinical Laboratory, the X-ray, the Ultrasound, CT and therapeutic technical modes like physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy were also deliberated upon.

The students of Paramedical Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara won laurels for the University in the Techno quiz, which was based on audio visual and analytical questionnaire and was focused on sub divisions of medical lab technology with special emphasis on modern tools and techniques and diagnostic parameters. The participating students were awarded certificates and prizes by Zonal Secretary, AIMLTA and were appreciated for sound technical knowledge and advanced knowledge from their own field.

Jasmine, a member of the winning team says, 'Winning the prize is no doubt a big plus, but the bigger achievement is the knowledge that we have attained from our participation in the event. There were students from all across India and everyone had to share a lot with others. For me it was lesser of a contest and more of learning.”

Talking on the relevance of paramedical sciences and the emerging dimensions in the field, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal (Executive Dean-LPU) said, 'Being home to more than 116 crore people, and given the fact that medical care in India has still to reach all; there is tremendous potential for medical sciences and para medical sciences. In fact, medical science in itself can not address the health needs of the country. Para medical sciences have to play a major role as health care sector booms to wider dimensions.”