
Monday, April 26, 2010

“Cap-a-Feather” witness the best of Computer & IT skills of LPU students

LPU celebrated “Cap-a-Feather” - a computer science & info tech festival that featured the best of computer related skills of the students of the University. The event was organized by Department of Computer Applications and saw participation of 200 computer geeks from all over the University. The students competed in various games like Presentation Competition, Extempore, Workshops, Mini Games, LAN games, Debugging, Tech Treasure Hunt, Placement Grooming, Galaxy of Coding and Placement Buzz.

The festival witnessed a combined attendance of nearly 2500 visitors, at various venues where events took place. Rahul Batra, one of the students who attended the fair said, “Getting exposed to the various events of the fest, I came to know how much new is happening in the field of computer sciences and information technology. This has widened my approach of looking at these sciences and has helped me to be a more intense learner than before.”

In the Presentation Competition, details of emerging technologies and latest developments taking place in the field of computer sciences and IT were put to display with visual demonstrations. Various workshops were organized on diverse subjects like Ethical Hacking, Website Development without the use of languages, software development, networking etc. In extempores, issues were deliberated and contesting views were presented with respect to the effects of various computer & information technologies on man's life and overall human development. The debugging contest saw students locating and eliminating the errors in a given a program of Java or C language. In Galaxy of Coding, a problem project was given to the contestants, and they had to set it right in minimum time. “Placement Buzz” revolved around the illumination of various techniques and skills required while appearing for a job interview in an computer or IT based company. Students located computer parts hidden across a geographical space and tried to assemble them rightly in “Tech Treasure Hunt”. LAN gaming and Mini games were more oriented to the gaming skills of the students.

The program ended with a cultural program wherein glimpses of rich cultural heritage of Punjab were exhibited through the medium of dance and music. Mrs Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean -LPU while distributing the prizes to the winning students said, “Computer is arguably the most significant invention of the last century, and it is amazing to see that it continues to add to itself various operational attributes that make it even more necessary for man to depend upon for its various needs. There is no end to the innovations that can be brought about in this sphere, and LPU is committed to promote the relevant sciences of the field.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lovely Professional University Ranked One of the Top Eleven Indian Universities in Jobs Opportunities & 17th Overall

In the history of TV Channels ' the first ever Education Survey of Universites of India ; widely viewed TV channel ZEE NEWS has declared Lovely Professional University as one of the top eleven Universities of India , particularly in Placement Drives , referring an extensive survey conducted by IPSOS Survey-the world’s third-ranked research agency and commissioned by Zee News and DNA .Standing in a coveted line of competition with old , well-Supported & established Universities of Delhi , Mumbai , Pune ,Banaras , Kolkata , Hyderabad etc. , the survey has ranked LPU among the top 20 universities of the country .

Based on country -wide and a long stretched survey of two months under the president-ship of V Narayana Swami of IPSOS Research , DNA and ZEE NEWS and out of more than ten thousand samples of survey reports from top educational institutions ,educationists , students ,researchers and many other illustrative names the LPU is also ranked as one of the top 20 Universities in the country . Standing severe 12 tests of testimony like the highest degree of standing ,Jobs opportunities , The best emergence , Research Oriented Teachers appointments , Research opportunities Provided , Experimentation in courses framed , Educational Atmosphere , Reputation Of The Institution etc . ; LPU has excelled almost all the self-supported universities in a very short span of its inception being at no. 17 in the best hierarchy of all Indian universities.

The research was undertaken to analyze the state of higher education in India. According to Satish K Singh, Editor of Zee News, “Only knowledge and know-how can make India a superpower. Already much progress has been made and education has become the preferred vehicle in the journey.” In this regards in a special interview conducted by Zee News Channel, Dr. Sneh Lata Deshmukh-Former Vice Chancellor Mumbai University , Dr. Deepak Paintal –Vice Chancellor Delhi University , Sh. V Narayanan Swami and a large number of students from different top universities and educational institutions of repute have approved of the survey under all satisfaction of deep understanding . It was largely said that Real Universities of exemplary quotings are those which prove the worth through their students , faculty –members and allied achievements instead of beautiful infrastructure and other things of show and lustre .

Elaborating on the procedure of the research, Narayana swamy of Ipsos said, “These rankings were derived from a survey among prospective students, current students, faculty, and those who have graduated. The research was carried out in 10 cities and measured the perceptions of the various colleges/universities among these groups. The perceptions were gathered using a 10-point scale, on overall opinion as well as perceptions on 12 parameters. A respondent rated only those colleges/universities he or she was familiar with. The rankings were based on the final data from a sample of 1,863 such ‘familiar’ respondents in all.”

Congratulating all the Members of the Staff , students , their parents , all well-wishers and patrons of LPU , Hon’ble Chancellor of the University Ashok Mittal said : “It has gladdened me to the core that the strenuous efforts of all the forces directly or indirectly attached to LPU have ultimately let the un- prejudiced orate their balanced versions in regards to the out comings of this very young University . To be declared in a winning position being in the competition of many decades old , great and well established , government supported Universities , LPU has really emerged to writ a saga of its own .”

Monday, April 19, 2010

LPU wins 5 awards at “Joust-10” Fest at Patiala : Best Award in Picture Perception Test and 3 Member Extempore.

Students of Lovely School of Management, LPU bagged five prizes in the recently held Multi Talent Competitive Professional Event “Joust 10” held at Punjabi University, Patiala. The team which comprised of MBA students of LPU displayed their skills in various forms of cultural and literary events and bagged two gold and one silver medal. The team was awarded cash prize of thousands of rupees for its performance

Sajit Nair won the first prize in the “Picture Perception Contest” and second prize in “Case Analysis Contest”. While the previous was based on perceiving the best possible idea from a given picture, the latter tested the students ability grasp an imaginary situation and come up with its incisive analysis. Nair along with Deepika and Karan won the first prize in “3-member extempore contest.” LPU also won two other
prizes in debate competitions as well.

Congratulating the students, Executive Dean-LPU” said, “It is a great feeling that our students are doing great at intra Universities cultural Fest. It is equally important along with studies, that students should uphold the importance of our rich culture; and LPU is committed to make its students culturally as sound as they are in
academics. ”The splendid display of talent at the fest by LPU students is an outcome of the steps taken in this direction.”

Sajit Nair, who won four, awards for his performance in different events, said,“I am happy that I have won recognition for my University. I see my success in cultural event as a complementary part of my academic success. Personally, I feel that students from professional fields should nurture one arts based hobby, which will help them in developing a more balanced personality.”

Student of Lovely Professional University Becomes Ethical Hacker : Selected as Brand Ambassador

A brilliant student of Lovely Professional University, Rahul Tyagi ,of MCA 2008 Batch, Section D3803, Department of Computer Applications, has been selected as Brand Ambassador of a well-reputed IT Company TCIL functioning at Chandigarh. He has to act for corporate ethical hacking module. He is going to reveal his talents working as a penetration tester for many companies who want to audit their website and also want to find vulnerabilities in them.

World over it is a hard known fact that hackers are regularly playing havoc in the IT Sector by bringing disgrace to a utility which is otherwise highly beneficial for the humanity . That is why 'Industry' has started realizing the utmost importance and need of persons like Rahul Tyagi . And ,it is worth noticing that TCIL-IT is an ISO certified corporate as well as an industrial training providing company that deals in PHP, ASP,, Java as well as Ethical hacking.

On getting the news about his selection, he said in an overwhelming emotion of happiness : “ I have grabbed a great opportunity , in a way , to serve the mankind on ethical grounds by curbing the silent and secret hacking operations which pounce upon us to harm in one or the other menacing way.”

Congratulating Tyagi on his this marvellous stepping into the hierarchy of great achievers of LPU, the Executive Dean of the University, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said : “It has pleased me immensely while noticing that in addition to their regular pofessional study courses , students at LPU are keen about non-conventional or necessary outcomes of their courses working day and night to abolish those social taboos which hamper growth of the society . Thus , students like Tyagi win kudos for themselves and their alma mater .”

Microsoft Organizes Work-Shop in LPU

The aspiring students representing the Honours School of Science and Technology of Lovely Professional University organized a work-shop ‘Microsoft Tech Days 2010’ in collaboration with Microsoft Student- Parteners Group to provide an opportunity to the yearning students to get involved with various latest Microsoft Programmes for better prospects .A large number of students participated to get benefitted through the latest programmes explained to them step-wise by the high-profiled representatives of the Group. It was also an exclusive attempt being away from industry oriented programmes to motivate young minds towards usage of latest available applications.

World over it is well –known that Microsoft is a corporation which provides training and tools that create the social and economic opportunities in transforming communities and help people realize their potential. Through many programs and partnerships, Microsoft supports numerous projects and organizations around the world working to expand opportunities, and help improve digital inclusion, through technology access and training.

Going on these lines and with a motive to cover 100 cities in 10 weeks to conduct large-scale technology-oriented events in various cities, a team of officials from Microsoft , New Delhi comprising of Saumya Aggarwal and Rajeev Bhatia from Microsoft Evangelists Group and Tushar chugh from ‘Wizminds’ visited the Lovely Professional University to acquaint enthusiastic students how to be well abreast of latest Microsoft oriented technologies. . Hundreds of students participated in the initiative which was primarily focussed on innovative technologies like Cloud Computing /Windows Azure ; Microsoft Robotics Studio ; Expression Studio ; ;Imagine Cup ; Windows Live/Live@Edu ; SQL Server 2008; Microsoft Academic Initiatives for Students etc. ,which are of utmost importance for all the students related to modern professional programmes . They also inspired the students to develop Microsoft Tech Club which will enable its members Microsoft representation and propagation in usage.

All the participating students were provided certificates of participation and Dream Spark access keys which give them access to all original Microsoft Softwares free of cost which would, otherwise, have cost them lacs of rupees. These access keys can be redeemed at for further usage of importance. The students got much valuable answers to their ushering inquiries during the interaction session. The hilarious student organizers Gaurav Gandhi and Mitter Paul said : “ This programme is really very beneficial for all the technology oriented students . Through it , we have come to know about many programmes and applications ,there of , which are going to help us in a better way from now onwards . The students will get chance to be updated and for further enhancement. It is also going to solve piracy problem when availability of the techniques will be easy without spending anything.”
On this exemplary endeavour of the awakened students , the Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said: “The leaders of Technology are here in the campus , perhaps ,following the great words of great Bill Gates that 'looking ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.' And, realizing this to the core ,the students of LPU seemed determined not to be devoided of any single chance which may add to the intelligence and the personality of theirs . Congratulating the student-organizers ,she inspired them to be always on the alert for such initiatives.”

15 companies attend LPU’s Job Fair : LPU expects record placements in current academic session

As many as 15 companies from various sectors took part in the LPU Job Fair, which saw 150 students from various streams getting short listed/recruited, pointing to the fact that the recession is on the wane. Nearly 800 students from various colleges and institutes from all across the state took part in the fair, which saw various openings in the field of marketing management, financial management, pharmacy, hotel management, hospitality management, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, civil engineering, IT and computer science engineering. The fair had job opportunities for students from all levels of education i.e. diploma, graduation and post graduation.

Big corporate names like Infosys, Provogue, Max Hospitals, Religare (Wellness Retail), HT Media, LSI Capital, ICFAI, Indo Farm Tractors, Enviro Geosyntetics, NIIT Ltd., KMG Infotech, M Touch Technologies, Jindal Pipes & Tubes, Smart Brains Engineers & Technologist Pvt Ltd came to the campus for this job fair and hiring the students.

Supreet Singh, a student of B. Pharmacy who got selected with Max Hospitals said, “With 15 companies hiring at one time, you have lot of options and lots of chances as well. One can hit at one, after missing the other. When you are appearing for a number of job positions at a single time, it is natural that you will get one in your pocket. It is indeed very good on the part of the University to arrange for a job fair with high number of participation by the quality recruiters.”

Lovely Professional University has a reputation of according high importance to issues of student interests, with specific focus on placements. Big names like Infosys, Wipro, Eli Lilly, Airtel, Indian Army, Dell, Heromindmine, Keane, Spice, TATA, HCL, Eli Lilly, Omega Maritime Management Services Pvt. Ltd, Wipro, Wills Style Group, NIIT, Bharti Maxtel, Yo China etc. have conducted placement programs for students of LPU from different streams. With more companies approaching the campus for hiring students, Department of Placements & Training, LPU expects a record number of placements this year. Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean –LPU said, “Since July 2009, our students have been placed by more than 150 companies across various sectors; which is the highest in the history of the University, so far. We want to end the current academic year on a high, and we are well on our way to achieve that. It’s a team effort of hard working students, committed teachers and Deptt. of Placement & Training.”

LPU celebrated the “World Health Day” with multi event program: Used the platform to generate health awareness among masses.

With the noble cause of spreading awareness about health issues among general masses, Lovely Professional University celebrated “World Health Day” in its campus on a massive scale. The multi-event program organized by LPU had participation from both the experts and the students in ensuring that as many onlookers can be updated about the health perils being frequented by humanity on a more intense manner. The first event of the day was Guest Lecture on Cancer Screening, by Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Medical Oncologist, Fortis-Escort (Amritsar). Dr. Gupta apprised and demonstrated various methods by which the spread of the cancer can be detected and checked at an early staged.

The blood donation camp, in collaboration with NGO “PAHL” was organized as part of the program, with the slogan “Heath for All”. Prof Lakhbir Singh, President PAHL addressed the students and presented a lecture on blood donation. 150 units of blood was donated by the students and faculty of the University. In the scientific poster making competition, students made brilliant use of colours and creativity to sketch the possible arrest of various communicable diseases. The causes, spread and means to check the spread of the disease were smartly put forward before the audience through the means on posters. A free physiotherapy camp was also organized as a part of the event, where the patients were checked and administered drugs, for free. The fact that physiotherapy is a cheap and economical alternative of conventional mode of treatment, was also highlighted in the camp.

The debate competition had participants putting forward their views on Female Foeticide. The event was lesser “contest based” and more of “pooling of ideas” as to generate awareness among general public about

the social evil and trying to find the possible ways so that the ugly practice is wiped off permanently from the whole of country, especially from Punjab and Haryana. A quiz competition was also organized in which the vying teams proved their mettle while answering pertaining to the concepts of single drug formulation and multi drug formulation. In the Model Making competition, health hazards were brought to fore through various models made by students of LPU. The symptoms and cure of various disease such as cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, leukemia et. were demonstrated through elaborate models.

Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Executive Dean-LPU while giving away the prizes to the winners of the various contests said, “Health and education are the two pillars, on which the economic and social growth of any country is based. LPU being an education based organisation, is already in the process of delivering on the education front. But at the same time, we ensure that we as a University should address health related issues. The program, as have been others in the past, is a step in the right direction to uphold the importance of good health amongst the younger generation.”

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lovely Professional University Arranges Global Entrepreneurs Programme for Students

Lovely Professional University has arranged an extensive global entrepreneurs Programme in joined hands with AIESEC-a Non Profit International Organization for its students to provide them a unique combination of multi-cultural entrepreneurial, social and leadership experience. Under this program, students from LPU including youth from Jalandhar would go and work abroad on a host of social issues ranging from Entrepreneurship, business models on sustainability, development studies, human rights for ethnic groups, Cultural Education, Youth , Education, Environment, HIV/AIDS etc. The internship duration would be a minimum of six weeks.
AIESEC is an international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society and operates through an issue-based internship exchange program that is entirely run by students and recent graduates. Presently, it is working for 1700 universities in more than 107 countries and territories. It has already been collaborating formally with Lovely Professional University since January 2009.

Last year, during their summer vacation , 17 students of LPU had been to 5 countries. 11 of them went to Ukraine; 2 each to Taiwan and Poland, and one each to Russia and Indonesia .
Elated Yogyata Bansal, a student ,who had been to Indonesia says cheerfully :“I came across AIESEC through a seminar in my university and found an interesting internship in Indonesia. The representatives were really helpful and even came to receive me at the airport. My traineeship was a developmental one . I worked in an NGO with students from different countries. I gained a higher level of confidence with this experience and have become more independent. I am really thankful to the planners of this initiative to provide me this wonderful opportunity”,
The Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said : “ Students must always keep their eyes and minds open to pulse themselves where the opportunities are dwelling for them so that they may get well set in due course of time grabbing the chances as come to them in one or the other form. This venture is really going to equip the youth with qualities such as leadership, entrepreneurship, team work, management, finances, communication skills, event management, client servicing and most importantly the vision to make a positive impact on society. All in all, it is a golden opportunity for the youth to develop themselves and be one step ahead of their peers.”
Students signing up for internship will have opportunity to visit following countries:
· East Europe
Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Poland.
· Latin America
Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil.
· Africa
Nigeria, Morocco, Kenya, Togo and Ivory Coast.
· Asia
China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia

LPU Shines In International Essay Writing Competition Held in Association With UNDPI

Keeping aloft the sky-soaring flag of Lovely Professional University in the International Essay Writing Competition organized by SRCM in association with United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) in India and Bhutan; Chandeep Singh Arora ,a student of the University has brought laurels by showing extra skills and intelligence in the Competition .He has been selected as National Participant among many lacs of competitors.. He is going to be honoured at Jacob Hall,Panjab Agricultural University ,Ludhiana.

The Essay Competition was held in September 2009. His entry in the Topic Category III-'Love Has Hope, Hatred is Hopeless' is one among the 40 entries sent for the further selection at national level. It is noteworthy that this achievement is among 5 Lacs entries received from more than 10000 Schools and Colleges . He will be receiving prize for this rare achievement on 11th April, 2010 in a function going to be organised at PAU, Jacob Hall, Ludhiana. Six other students of the University,Adfer Jan (BT.Hons ECE), Akanksha(BT.CSE), Neelanchal Vaid(BTech-III), Tushar Gupta (B-Tech III)Mrinal Saxena(BT.Hons.ECE), Sunil(BT-3rd yr.) made their mark at district level.

Jubilant on his achievement , ChanDeep said, “ I never knew about the competition. One of my teachers Dr. Amrita Arora inspired me well,perhaps , judging of her own about my writing abilities. The result is self revealing that at LPU students always get manifold magnificent chances to add a special glow to their very existence .”

Congratulating Chandeep-the national participant and the other students the Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said , “Along with their hard Professional Study Programmes of utmost importance , Students at LPU are accorded ample opportunities to shine and excel, thus they reveal out their inborn talents lying buried and untraced hitherto . As such , building an extra-confidence ,in themselves, They bring name and fame not only to themselves but to their parents and alma- mater also.”

LPU Shines In International Essay Writing Competition Held in Association With UNDPI

Keeping aloft the sky-soaring flag of Lovely Professional University in the International Essay Writing Competition organized by SRCM in association with United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) in India and Bhutan; Chandeep Singh Arora ,a student of the University has brought laurels by showing extra skills and intelligence in the Competition .He has been selected as National Participant among many lacs of competitors.. He is going to be honoured at Jacob Hall,Panjab Agricultural University ,Ludhiana.

The Essay Competition was held in September 2009. His entry in the Topic Category III- 'Love Has Hope, Hatred is Hopeless' is one among the 40 entries sent for the further selection at national level. It is noteworthy that this achievement is among 5 Lacs entries received from more than 10000 Schools and Colleges . He will be receiving prize for this rare achievement on 11th April, 2010 in a function going to be organised at PAU, Jacob Hall, Ludhiana. Six other students of the University,Adfer Jan (BT.Hons ECE), Akanksha(BT.CSE), Neelanchal Vaid(BTech-III), Tushar Gupta (B-Tech III)Mrinal Saxena(BT.Hons.ECE), Sunil(BT-3rd yr.) made their mark at district level.

Jubilant on his achievement , ChanDeep said, “ I never knew about the competition. One of my teachers Dr. Amrita Arora inspired me well,perhaps , judging of her own about my writing abilities. The result is self revealing that at LPU students always get manifold magnificent chances to add a special glow to their very existence .”

Congratulating Chandeep-the national participant and the other students the Executive Dean of LPU , Mrs. Rashmi Mittal said , “Along with their hard Professional Study Programmes of utmost importance , Students at LPU are accorded ample opportunities to shine and excel, thus they reveal out their inborn talents lying buried and untraced hitherto . As such , building an extra-confidence ,in themselves, They bring name and fame not only to themselves but to their parents and alma- mater also.”

Thursday, April 1, 2010

LPU invites applications for Academic Session 2010: Starts India’s largest scholarship for students

Lovely Professional University (Punjab) - India's largest University in terms of students studying in campus announced the start of its admissions for various courses for the academic session 2010. The announcement was made by Shri Ashok Mittal, Chancellor-LPU. The University which is a pioneer in setting new benchmarks in the delivery of quality professional education to more than 24000 students enrolled in more than 150 programs of doctorate, post graduation, graduation and diploma level.

The University has come up with a scholarship policy, where every admitted student, who has scored more than 70% will be entitled to a scholarship. The students are eligible to get maximum scholarship worth Rs. 1,00,000/- per year, subject to their conformity with the University's norms. There are other brackets of scholarship awards in accordance with the performance of the student in the qualifying exam. Adopting an inclusive approach, University has also laid a special provision for those dedicated students,who because of certain reasons could not perform optimally with respect to their potential. For such students, a LPU wil conduct a test named as TFA; wherein scholarships will be awarded to worthy students.

Shri Mittal while commenting in the scholarship policy said “The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. As an University it is our duty to encourage and support the dedicated and deserving students and lay a strong foundation for the bright future of these future leaders. We are committed to transform the way education is imparted in India and feel the right education is the way to the development of the country. This scholarship is an attempt to provide equal opportunities to quality education to all the students.”

LPU has generated a massive interest with respect to admissions from various parts of the country as well as from abroad. Already, LPU is imparting education to students from 23 states of India as well as 5 different countries. The University has received applications from students from as far as South Korea and Congo.

It has to be noted that University has opened various international courses in collaboration with nearly 20 international Universities from USA, UK, Canada and Australia. The programs allow the students to complete a part of their studies abroad and a selected number international free tours to various developing economies.

The admissions for all the courses of the University are open and interested students can get the admission prospectus at the price of Rs. 500 from the University's Counseling & Admission Department.